Chapter 20

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It was evening time everyone in the Nigam mansion was taking rest except our workholic SIDDHARTH NIGAM

He was there in the study room trying to concentrate on work

But how can he work when his mind and heart is somewhere else

Avneet was sleeping peacefully in her room

Sid pov
Ugh ! What's happening to me !?
What magic have you did to me Ms Avneet Kaur !!!
I dream about you at night, I think about you in the morning, I want you every single second of every day!! You may be out of my sight... but never out of my mind... When I think of you the smile is on my face, my arms need you, my eyes need you and my body need you.

I just need YOU !!

With these thoughts I started moving towards my sweetheart room to check on her

I knocked the door once ,twice and thrice but she didn't even opened the door ..the door was open but as I gentleman I knocked !! But not getting any response I stirred the door little and here's what I saw my sweetheart sleeping ; how can she sleep peacefully after taking my sleep away !

Author - avneet was sleeping like a small baby in her room rolling all over the bed !!

Sid pov
Is there anything sweeter in the world than my SWEETHEART ? Her perfect little lashes, and button nose, and chubby cheeks.
Despite having a million things to do, it is very difficult to look away from my sweetheart . She is like a magnet!
I could watch her for a single minute and find a thousand things that I love about her !!

Sid was too lost in his sweetheart he was staring her like no tommorow he wanted her now and then She is the girl who will always be special to him no matter what happens.he treasure her so much and would never let her go.she is the joy, the happiness that lights up his life with passion and compassion.
She has become so special for him that he will never let her go 🖤

Suddenly Sid eyes widened when he saw avneet had threw the bedsheet and she rolled on other side of the bed !!

Sid sighed and started to stare at her with much love ..!

He was busy staring her when she again rolled down and she was really going to fall this time
But quickly Sid tried to catch her but time was not at the match that Sid fell on the floor and avneet on top of him

Sid whole body shivered as the closeness was too much !
Her body was pressed against him

Due to disturbance when avneet opened her eyes
She sawn Sid ..she rubbed her eyes look around and then the realisation hit her that she is on to if Sid

Her eyes widened and heat rushed through her cheeks ..!

She looked at him and then at his eyes ...both staring at each other's eyes ..True beauty is not outer appearance, it’s located in the heart and soul, reflected in ones eyes.  If you can understand someone’s emotions through their eyes, you will feel that beauty, charm, and adventure that will bless your soul.

They both were lost in each other's eyes

And there cute eye lock was broken by abhi !!

He enters the room and stops as soon as  he sees them hell close to each other

Abhi (dramatically): romance karna hai toh kundi Laga ke Kiya karo... Hayee mere yeh Masoom se ankhenn

They both smiles awkwardly

And Sid playfully rolls his days

And with much fun there day gets over !

Love ya
Nisha !

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