Chapter 17

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I know you guys wanna kill me for being too late
Sowieee (making puppy face )

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Avu: ahh I don't want to die soon my chocolates are still in my fridge

Sid left out a small but weak chuckle

Avu felt dizzy and closed her eyes

Sid: Avneet !!(shouted )

And everything black out





*The scene changes to Nigam mansion !!

Two beautiful couples fully tired came to Nigam mansion

And no suspense it's of course our abhinavi !!

Abhi: finaaly welcome back home !!

Vaish : yesh.. ASHU ASHU (starts finding Sid )

Abhi: where is he !?

Vaish : for your kind information I also came with you only

Abhi: for your kind information
I also know that

Vaish : ugh !! Ashu Ashu we are back !!

They tried to call him and after 3 rings he picked it up !!

*In call

Vaish : Ashu

Sid: di (broken and shattered voice )

Vaish : ashu is everything okay ?

Sid: nothing is okay di.. my life went upside down (crying )
Di-dada please come to XYZ hospital !!

With this he cutted the call

Abhinav didn't even think the for a moment a ran towards hospital

By Ran I actually means that they sat on the car and went away

And when they reached hospital they saw Siddharth !! Already waiting for them! As soon as Siddharth saw them he hugged them and started crying badly ;

Sid: Di- bhai Avneet ----  (he finally broke down )

Vaish : shh bachha calm down !

Sid: di.. avneet !!

Abhi : what happened to her !?

Sid: while coming back our rival attacked us and she got injured bhai..she is playing with her life and death .. I can't live without her bhai (his eyes were red dude to crying )

Abhinavi were too shocked to say anything the light of there hope was disappearing ! They saw avu as a light who would light away all the darkness of Sid .. who would bring back there old Sid but

Vaish : bachha nothing will happen to her !! We are here with you

Like this they were consoling otherss

After waiting for a hour-- this one hour was like one year for sid . From every passing second his heartbeat was raising . it was just going like a nightmare for Sid !

Vaish was there with Sid
Consoling him !

And Abhi went towards the Krishna murthi to pray (like in every typical movie ) lets see what our Abhi bhai is thinking !

Abhi pov

Krishna ji ! I know you are so kind then why are you doing this to my little brother .. why you always do it with him !?. Already he had suffered a lot in his past ! I didn't sawn him smiling from years  .. his happiness was all gone but avneet came like a hope for us ! From when she entered his life he started smiling he started behaving like our old Sid .. but can't you see him smiling can't you see his happiness? that you again brought tears in  his eyes .. his heart is full of wounds and the person who can treat his wounds Is avneet !! Please god don't take her away from Sid .. his heart can't be broken again .. please Krishna please don't take his avu his happiness away from him please Krishna NOT AGAIN

He kneeled down and was crying mess
He can't see his brother suffering more ;;
He was crying when a small hand touched his shoulders !! He looked towards the direction and saw a small yet cute boy standing behind him

Boy: uncle why are u crying

Abhi : bachha my brother's wife (he said wife cause he really don't know what to tell ) is in danger .. she is playing with her life and death and if something happened to her then my brother couldn't bear it ..(he again started crying )

Boy : uncle shhh you are strong boy na then don't cry ... Nothing will happen to her !!

Abhi: doctor said she is in danger ..why my lil bro always suffer !? The god is so cruel ...

Boy : uncle Aisa mat bolo aap bhagwaan mein wishwas rakte ho na !? ( Abhi simply nodded )

Boy : toh simple hai Bhagwan Apne bhakt ki hamesha madad karta hai .. bhagwaan sabki Pariksha leta hai aur woh jo bhi karta hai Apne bhakt ke ache ke liye hi karta hai ..

Aap bas bhagwaan se dua mangiye aur agar aap hi rone Lage  toh appka bhai ka kya !? Use kon sambalega !? U have to be strong uncle !! Apke bhai ke liye ..

Abhi nodded and he don't know where he got some power of being strong

Abhi: thank you beta tum ne merko hausla diya hai !! ( He was blabbering and blabbering when he turned around and saw that the boy was not present there )

Abhi got up and started searching for him but didn't found him !

He wiped his tears and went towards sidnavi !!!

After waiting for few more minutes doctor came out and when he came out sid ran towards him and ...

Sid: doctor how is she !? Nothing had happened to her na ; she is alright na !? Doctor --(he was continuosly blabbering without letting the doctor speak )

Vaish : shhhh bachha calm down let the doctor speak

Doctor : yesh tq miss !
And no need to worry she is completely fine and alright ... Her condition is totally fine just she is unconscious now ..-- Sid didn't even let the doctor speak and he rushed towards avneet

Vaish : doctor don't mind him actually shee is the reason of his life .

Doctor : it's ok miss I understand

*Sidneet side

(I am crying guys tears are leaking out through your author eyes
They aren't stopping
Ahhh please stop my dear tears
My mom is cutting onion and my tears are not stopping !!
Hehe what elese you guys thought !? )

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Sid ---

Aree no yaar enough for today

I know many of you wants to kill me and beat the hell out of me for being so late ..

Hehe sorry guys I was really so buys !!

But still from I now I will try my best to update and it would be possible only if you guys will support

So jaldi se follow me

And vote down for this story (it rest inspires me a lot 💛)

And kill me in the comment section for being too late !!!

That's it
Your one and only author
Pari 🖤

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