Chapter 26

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Avu pov

Omg omg what did I did !??
We kissed eachother !
the moment his lips touched mine

my life took a path that I had never thought possible.

The feeling that coursed through me was not just a kiss but rather an emotion that ran deeper than my skin, to the very fiber of my soul.

She was jumping in bed crazily !!

She wasn’t exactly sure when it happened. Or even when it started. All she knew for sure was that right here and now, she was falling hard and she could only
pray that he was feeling the same way

Suddenly Avneet phone buzzed with a notification

It was Siddharth message His no was saved in her phone as


Avu :Why did he message me !?

WhatsApp Message

Robotic Nigam  : Hey Sweetheart

You: Hiii Sid !?

Robotic Nigam : remember we were going out for dinner tonight!?

You : How can I forget that !!

Robotic Nigam : so get ready by 8:00 pm 😉

You : okay

Robotic : bye sweetheart

You : Bye

Avu P.O.V
Oh my god oh my god !! We are going out together 😳😳
That too alone 😳
I don't know why but I am feeling very happy , whenever he is around me something something happens to me !?
What kinda feeling is this
Is this love !?
No avneet it can't be happened !
You can't love him !

Now get ready fast !!

I quickly got ready
And moved downstairs
I didn't found him in the hall so I decided to check on his room
I knocked the door of hai room by getting no response I twisted the door knob a little
And entered inside

Avu pov ends

As avneet moved inside she was awstruck by the view Sid was all ready for there outing and was working on laptop !!

Avneet literally pouted


Sid : yeah sweetheart you ready !?

Avu : no I have to go back and get ready (she again pouted badly )

Sid : but u look all ready !?(he questioned raising his eyebrows )

Avu : yeah that's what I mean you are ready I am ready let's goo (angrily)

Sid : okay (he smiled sheepishly seeing her anger which he found cute )

Avu : let's goo you annoying monkey Nigam  !

She frowned again and started shooting glares to him

Sid : look who is calling me monkey ; didn't we kissed a moment ago  !

She stopped talking and her eyes widen and our Sid was having his all time famous smirk !

Sid : would you mind repeating that again !? (Smirking)

Avneet  felt blood rushing in her cheeks and memories of there kiss flashed in her mind 😳

Sid : Woahhh Look at your cheeks which are no less than tomato (he giggled a little ) BUT I won't mind tasting them ( hei whispered coming closer and closer to her in a hoarse tone)

Which as always made her shiver , and the goosebumps had already started forming in her body !!

But when reality hit her The Proximity between them was too close and his hands were caging her !  If they would move a little they would surely end up kissing each other

She tried to get free From his grip but failed ...she was not getting her breath too

He understood her situation and moved back . Her whole face was a Red tomato

He slightly kissed her both cheeks or say 🍅

She however calmed herself but the butterflies in her stomach were on the another level... her facial expressions were worth seeing

Still she was looking damn cute and hot at the same time

SID : I will be waiting for you outside
(He lastly winked at her and ran away)

That's it
Your author
Nisha 🖤

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