Chapter 7

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Next morning
Avneet woke up fast as it's a habit but when she woke up she found her surroundings different a lot! Then she remembered she is not at her house
Let's move at her pov!

Avu pov
I woke up early and after getting fresh up I got ready. I am living in a new house with completely different surroundings! Here at least no one is harming me!! Well I moved towards the kitchen to make coffee as it's my habit when I entered the kitchen I saw a girl of my age preparing breakfast

Avu: excuse me

Gurl: yes mam, do you need anything?

Avu: don't call me mam I am of your age only!

Girl: so sweet of you mam but it's sir's order!

Avu: oh common well what's your name?

Girl: Shreya (random character )

Avu: my name is avneet Kaur!

Girl: How can I help you, mam!

Avu: you continue with your work I will make coffee for myself..........

Shreya: no mam... I already made coffee.

Avu: thank you so much!

Shreya: it's my duty mam!

I took my coffee and went towards my room balcony and started having it

Let's look at our hero pov
Sid pov
I woke up and watched the time it's 6:00 I think avneet is still sleeping so I went towards the gym and did my daily workout
And then I came back and went towards the balcony for having fresh air
When I went towards the balcony I saw my SWEETHEART having coffee her perfect body
Her eyes and her hair moving slightly is making her more beautiful wanna take a look at her

Let's look at our hero pov Sid pov I woke up and watched the time it's 6:00 I think avneet is still sleeping so I went towards the gym and did my daily workout And then I came back and went towards the balcony for having fresh air When I went towa...

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Ahhhh then I slightly waved my hand towards her...her eyes widen and she stammered a bit but replied to me with her golden smile...I think I have to give her some time so I went back
And got fresh up!
And after a couple of minutes, I knocked on my sweetheart room
She opened the door
Looking like an angel opening door of heaven! She is no less than an angel...
Wanna see my angel's outfit

Wanna see my angel's outfit

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