Before : reciving the letter

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Rose Hathaway sat in her dorm room alone that night letting a Spring breeze float into her room through an open window. She was studying for her trials that would be in four weeks. she had to pass if she wanted to be Lissa's guardian. everyone would be watching Rose and she wanted to impress her mother, who is coming to see her perform, but most importantly she wanted to impress Abe, her newfound mobster like father.
Suddenly I felt a small rock hit my head, i jumped up walking to the window to see who had thrown the rock at me. I looked down to see who it was , and it was The dashing and amazingly handsome Adrian Ivashkov.

"Little dhampir" he called "I finished my letter,it's quite good actually I think you'll enjoy it." he then threw what looks like another rock but was actually a crumpled piece of paper. puzzled I opened the letter and read it , he was right , i thought , it actually was a great and persuasive letter .

In the letter he described how beautiful she was. He said how he would give up some alcohol and all his cigarettes for her. he said how he would treat her right and love her till the the day she says he shouldn't love her anymore and maybe after then he still will.

"very Nice Ivashkov , hmmm let me think and I'll get back to you in the morning." Rose said in her sassy yet seductive voice that he loved so much. "come on I've waited long enough for an answer little dhampir." He groaned "did you know that in most parts of the world it is morning." "Fine you really want an answer." I said he nodded his head that had his perfectly messy hair on it "yes , okay I sAy
yes ." she whispered "you said YES" Adrian shouted loudly, he was clearly trying to embarrass me " keep it down Adrian people are sleeping." I whispered "I just can't believe it" he whispered he had one of his famous grins that was quite sexy on his face I couldn't help but smile too. "Now go on and get some sleep" I said "alright, alright I will go " he said still smiling I let out a faint laugh and turned around and closed the window to go to sleep.

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