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Blue's cries were heartbreaking. His chest heaves and his eyes leak fat, glistening tears that drip down his cheeks and stain Zaire's clothing.

Zaire apologizes profusely as Blue continues to wail, his little feet kicking aimlessly as he tries to wriggle free of his mother's hold. He wanted to run. Far away from the big scary man as fast as his tiny legs could carry him.

The two men were startled by the pup's outburst. The guard, Finnegan, gives Thayne a knowing look, the younger man rolling his eyes. He had a habit of scaring small children due to his sheer height and powerful aura. Warrior wolves were warriors for a reason. Thayne oozed dominance, a scent that easily made young children cower out of instinct.

Thayne places a hand upon Zaire's thin shoulder, which didn't help the situation. Zaire flinched upon contact, and the sight of Thayne's hand descending upon them made Blue only cry harder.

Eleanor was awake now, her little lip jutting out and quivering. She burst into tears as well, startled by the commotion.

"Goddess, I'm so sorry," Zaire apologizes, cheeks flushed as his children become fussier by the second.

"Don't worry about it, Kid," Finnegan dismisses, holding his hands up as if to say 'what can you do about it?'

"Come with me," Thayne says over the children's cries. The timbre of his voice was deep and smooth. No doubt, would it sound ten times better if his children were not crying so loud. Zaire is led into the cottage after Finnegan and Thayne, Ehren scurrying after his mother.

The inside of the cottage was warm as expected, the heat, a pleasant change from the chilly outside air. The cottage was cozy, a warm orange glow emitting from a fireplace set in a small living area. There were half-finished projects strewn everywhere, loose papers and tools scattered about the space.

"Thayne hasn't had time to clean yet, as this... arrangement was a little last minute. With a little cleaning on your end, perhaps you can start your work by helping Thayne make his house more child-friendly." Finnegan says loudly, still having to talk over the crying pups.

Zaire gently bounces the two pups as he walks, their cries turning into soft sniffles the more he rocked them. They are led down a wide hallway, many doors lining both walls. At the very end of the hall was a single door. Thayne opens it, stepping inside.

"I sew most of my clothing," Thayne says, leading Zaire to a small bedroom. "Though I had no time to prepare any for you and the pups. I bought some at the market, think of this as a welcoming gift. You do not have to pay me for the materials."

The bedroom was plain, only a sizable bed and a small dresser sat in the confined space. Out on the bed, lay four small piles of clothing. Larger ones for Zaire, and three other piles for the children. Cloth nappies were stacked at the top of the piles, varying in size.

"It isn't much, this room used to be for storage. I cleared it out and brought in a large mattress so you and the pups can all sleep in here. Though if you prefer it, I can build a crib for the littlest one."

"N-no, the bed is perfect. Thank you for preparing the room for us. There was no need for you to go out of your way and do that for us." Zaire bows his head in appreciation, the motion making Blue's face raise from where he was tucked into the crook of his mother's neck.

"I will leave you to change your and the pup's clothing. Place the soiled clothing in the hamper and meet us back in the living area."

Before Zaire could get another word out, the two men leave the room, closing the door behind them.

Zaire pauses for a moment to take in his surroundings. The mattress was placed directly onto the floor, covered in thick quilts and heavily stuffed pillows. It was thoughtful of Thayne, to make sure the pups would be able to safely get in and out of the bed without injuring themselves.

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