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*Hello readers! Make sure you've read the chapter before this one, as they were updated within close dates of each other. I hope you enjoy it! Remember to vote and comment I love hearing what you think and your reactions to the story!

Until next time!*


Zaire had been avoiding Thayne like the plague for nearly two weeks. Working far from him whenever he had the chance, taking his dinner outside to eat, and even sleeping in the children's room again.

The constant smell of blood in the air worried Thayne. He observed from afar as Zaire bit his nails until they bled and scratched and picked at scratches on his arms until they scabbed over. He would pick at the wounds, making them well up with the crimson liquid. Opening and reopening the abrasions before they could heal completely.

Thayne immediately knew that something was wrong with the omega when he came back home and Zaire was nowhere to be seen. Prince Ambrose was left alone in the house, watching over the children as he explained how Zaire had an emergency and Finnigan took him to the town physician.

Thayne nearly panicked at the thought of something being wrong with Zaire. He paced and paced, worrying about the omega for what felt like days.

In reality, Zaire got back to the cottage half an hour later. He immediately locked himself in the washroom. When he emerged another hour later, he was emotionless and distant.

Thayne attempted to speak with Zaire many times but never got far with the younger man. He opted to leave Zaire alone until he was ready to talk with him.

Hidiza was informed that she would not be needed until Zaire felt better. Surprisingly, Zaire was quite attentive toward his children during his struggle. He would feed and change them, play with them, and love on them. He barely left the pups' sides during the past few weeks.

It wasn't until the current evening, Zaire approached Thayne. He was sitting outside as he always did before bed, sipping on a cup of warm tea as he gazed out at his vast property. The door creaked open behind him, a soft light casting a glow from inside.

"May I sit with you?" Zaire's voice was soft, barely above a whisper in the silent night.

"You do not have to ask, Zaire," Thayne says, making room for the omega. He takes a seat next to Thayne, leaning his head onto his shoulder. "...Are you ready to talk about it?"

"I-," Zaire couldn't find the words to speak. He felt so guilty not telling Thayne about their unborn pup. But he was so afraid of Thayne's potential reaction to the news. Would he be angry that he could not carry the pup to term? Johnathan always called him useless and damaged whenever he miscarried.

No matter his reaction, it didn't matter if he told the man or not. The baby was dead. Gone. The pup would never come into the light and live a long, beautiful life. Zaire's womb was their grave. The evidence of the pup's existence was in the form of bloodied cloths, stuffed in a sachel and sunk in the pond so they would never be found.

The only question that Zaire hadn't gotten an answer to was why he miscarried this time. He wasn't being beaten or abused. He was eating three proper meals a day and had been sleeping moderately well as of late. Perhaps it was his own body that was turning against him...

"I went through... my... Thayne, I cannot talk about-,"

"It is alright, Zaire. Just remember I will always be here for you. I am so sorry that I left you that day. Perhaps if I hadn't left-,"

"No, it is not your fault," Zaire interjects. "It was just an unfortunate day. If anything, I should be the one apologizing to you. I should not have ignored you for so long. I just... needed time. Time to process things. Time to... think."

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