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*Hello readers! This is the third update in a short time so make sure you've read chapters 10 and 11 before continuing onto this chapter! Remember to vote and comment, I love reading comments and seeing what you think! I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Until next time!*


Zaire hurridly said his goodbyes to Hidiza, rushing her out the door once she finishes packing her belongings. He made sure the children were sound asleep before heading upstairs. Thayne was still outside with his father and he wanted to use this time alone to his advantage and freshen up a bit.

Excitement was bubbling up inside him at the thought of sleeping with Thayne again. He couldn't wait to feel the stinging stretch of the man entering his body. He would happily yield to the intrusion and wrap his arms around Thayne's broad shoulders to pull him impossibly closer. He could practically feel the harsh hold on his hips as Thayne tugs the younger man back onto his thick cock. Oh, all the positions the man would put him in... Zaire shudders with anticipation.

Zaire hastily wipes himself down with a wet cloth to rid himself of the dirt and dust that had built up during the day while he worked. He digs through the drawers of his and Thayne's shared dresser, pulling out a cream-colored silken robe he secretly bought one day when he and Thayne were at the market. It was the most expensive thing he ever owned and what made it better was that he bought the robe with his own money. The money he earned while working hard. He was proud of himself and couldn't wait to see the look on Thayne's face when he saw him.

Zaire places a few candles around the room, lighting them to cast himself in a soft glow. His heart beat quickly in anticipation as he sits on the edge of the bed and waits for Thayne to walk through the door.

Thayne became someone far more important to Zaire than he would have expected. If he was told a few years ago that he would be living with a man who respected and treated him like a human, he would have never believed it. Thayne was an attentive lover with the perfect edge of roughness that kept Zaire on his toes. He gave Zaire kisses the moment he woke up and held him the minute he laid down to sleep at night.

He was amazing with the children. Much better than Johnathan. Though it didn't take much to be a better father figure than Johnathan was. There wasn't a moment that he wished Thayne was their father. And in a way, he nearly was. He cared for them like a father would. He played with them when he could have chosen to do anything else after a hard day at work. He cooked for them and tucked them into bed when Zaire was busy. And slowly, the children had begun to go to Thayne for help or comfort as well as Zaire.

The thought of Thayne caring for him and his children made his heart sing. Zaire was afraid of loving again after Johnathan. He didn't expect to have these feelings so soon, but he was starting to fall in love with...

The door creaks open and Zaire straightens his back and smiles sweetly as Thayne steps into their bedchamber. Zaire slides off the bed, meeting Thayne in the middle of the room, winding his arms around the man's neck and planting a gentle kiss upon his soft lips. Though... Thayne does not kiss him in return.

"...Thayne? I-I thought you wanted to continue later..." Zaire gazes up at Thayne, now noticing his face is ashen. "Is there something wrong?"

"...Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant?"

Zaire's stomach dropped. His eyes went wide and his heart felt as if it was going to pop.

"Or that you miscarried? Why?"

"I-," Zaire stutters, moving away to sit at the edge of his bed, placing his head in his hands. "How did you find out?"

"My father saw you leaving the physician building. Before he left we went outside and he said he was sorry for my loss. I had no idea what he was talking about until he told me you miscarried. Were you never going to tell me?! Do you know how that makes me feel?!"

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