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*Hello readers! I posted this chapter closely to chapter seventeen so make sure you read that one first before continuing! I hope you enjoy this chapter and tell me your thoughts, I love hearing them!

Until next time!*


After dinner, Zaire and Thayne sat with Sebastian, Hidiza busy tucking the children in and keeping them in their makeshift room so they did not overhear the conversation.

"Best case scenario," Sebastian starts, tugging on his beard. "The baby is born alive, albeit, weak and in need of treatment. However, given how the past pregnancies involving Thayne panned out, I'd say you will either suffer an early miscarriage like last time or carry the child full-term and birth a stillborn."

"I'd rather have a miscarriage than a stillborn," Zaire sobs, turning his face into Thayne's shoulder to hide his tears. Thayne wraps an arm around his omega, soothing a hand along his back.

What had been a start to a beautiful day had ended in tragedy, knowing that their newly discovered child would at some point die within Zaire's womb. Or the worse outcome, having to give birth to their dead child.

"What I suggest is getting plenty of bed rest, don't do anything too strenuous. I will give you a list of foods and activities to avoid as well as foods that will promote good health for you and the pup. You will also want to avoid being under stress, which I know will be hard to accomplish all things considered. I want to help bring a healthy baby into this world. And if that doesn't happen, I want to ensure that you will be alright should things go wrong. It raises concern that Zaire, you have had miscarriages and a stillbirth prior to meeting Thayne. Since you had not been given proper treatment after the fact, this could have led to further fertility issues.

"There is no guarantee this child will live," Sebastian continues. "In all honesty, I would be quite surprised to see you make it past the early stages of pregnancy. Hidiza has agreed to come over every morning to ensure you are well cared for while Thayne works. I will come visit you regularly to monitor you and your pup's health. I pray with all my heart that you carry to term. I would hate to see you suffer like this. Especially not after you've come back into our lives so soon."

Zaire swallows thickly, unable to speak. It felt as if his mouth was stuffed with cotton. Thayne absentmindedly rubs a soothing hand over Zaire's stomach, making the omega sniffle.

"We will get through this together no matter the outcome," Thayne says, running his other hand through Zaire's soft hair. "Nothing else matters as long as we are here to support one another. You miscarried alone last time, scared and in need of comfort. This time will be much different. You will have me and my family to rely on. We all love you, Zaire."

"I love you too," Zaire says, his voice barely audible. "It's just so hard to go through this again."

"Which is what I wanted to talk about next," Sebastian interjects. "I have a tonic that you can brew on your own that will prevent fertilization from occurring. This will make it near impossible to produce a child from sexual encounters as long as you remember to drink one cup-full each before each mating."

Zaire couldn't help but blush, color blossoming in his cheeks. He didn't like discussing his mating with anyone other than Thayne.

At that moment, Hidiza emerges from the hallway, clutching onto a handkerchief. Her eyes were wet with unshed tears, her heart aching for her son-in-law.

"The children have settled in, but are still worried about Zaire," Hidiza says, coming round the couch so she can place a comforting hand on Zaire's shoulder. "They refuse to go to bed unless they can speak to him. Perhaps it is time to call it a night. It is late and emotions are running high. We will come back tomorrow to re-discuss the matter. But for now, it is best that we put a hold on this conversation."

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