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*Sorry for the long wait, life has been super busy for me! I hope this chapter will make up for it! Things in this story will pick up soon I know for now it can seem a little slow-paced. I wanted to do something different with this story and make it shorter and sweet, with no enemies or big dramatic battles. I know how the story will play out, it's just writing it out that is taking so long.

Remember to vote and comment! I love reading comments and having feedback, I really appreciate it!

Until next time!*


It had been nearly a week since Finnegan came to the cottage. And Zaire was dreading the upcoming visit with the warrior wolf. Thayne had yet to find Zaire a nanny to watch the children while they worked the fields. With each passing day, he became increasingly nervous. Was Thayne genuinely looking for a nanny, or would he simply allow the guard Finnegan to take his children away?

Throughout the week, Thayne had given Zaire light housework so he could watch the children while he worked. He was allowed to take the children into the fields with him when he had no other choice, as long as they did not mess with the crops, which Ehren and Blue would never do.

Zaire feared that with the absence of his children, he would succumb to his weak mental state and do something he would regret. It was a constant battle in his head. One moment he wanted to take his life to put a stop to his seemingly neverending suffering. And the next, he was cursing himself for ever thinking that way and reminding himself he had three beautiful, innocent children to care for. Children who loved him just as much as he loved them.

Zaire was so tired, and it only seemed to get worse for him each day.

Thayne's only tasks for Zaire on this day were to clean up the downstairs in the cottage, pick all the ripe fruits and vegetables in the garden, set aside enough vegetables to keep at the cottage and prepare the rest for Thayne to take to the market. And while he goes to the market to sell his produce, Zaire would prepare a meal big enough for five people.

Zaire figured four of Thayne's friends were coming for dinner that night. He didn't know where Thayne expected him and the children to stay while he had people over. Possibly in their room. Zaire was preparing for him and his children to go hungry tonight. He had no idea what to do if there were no scraps to eat by the time the others were done with dinner.

Zaire stood over various vegetables spread across the kitchen table, wracking his brain for potential meals to make for Thayne and whoever else was coming over. He assumed the other guests would be strong, well-built warriors, so he needed a gamey supper for the group.

Perhaps a few meat pies would do the trick. It was always a favored meal when he lived with Johnathan. He could still remember the feeling of Johnathan pressed against him by the warm, crackling fireplace as they ate helping after helping of Zaire's home-cooking. Exchanging the sweetest of kisses as they sit curled together, their bellies full and satisfied.

Zaire shakes the once-pleasant memory away, glancing out the window, noticing that the sun was already beginning to descend from the sky. He hurries to start on the meal, thanking Moon Goddess that all three of his children had gone down for a little nap and wouldn't need him while he cooked.

Instead of letting his mind wander to his past with Johnathan, Zaire thinks of Thayne instead. Most of what he learned of the man came from Finnegan, and it was only of his time spent in the royal military. Nothing was said of his personal life. And when Thayne wasn't explaining a task to Zaire, he was usually a man of very few words. It wasn't like Zaire could strike up a conversation about Thayne's history when Zaire himself wasn't willing to speak of his own past.

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