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*Another chapter out so soon! I am proud of myself for sitting down and getting this done. For once I feel like I wrote a really good chapter that went the way I originally wanted it to play out. Hopefully, you all enjoy it as well. Remember to vote and comment I love reading your comments and enjoy feedback, I always appreciate it! I hope to get another chapter out soon!

Until next time!*


Time passed rather quickly from then on. Soon enough, Zaire was three months into his stay, learning quickly and completing each task that he was presented with. Every day, just as the sun began to rise in the early morning sky, Hidiza would make the trip to Thayne's cottage. Watching the children while Thayne moved Zaire onto more demanding tasks outside the house.

Because Zaire could leave the children with Hidiza most of the day, only returning to make lunch for everyone and feeding Eleanor whenever she was hungry, he spent more and more time with Thayne throughout the day.

Zaire felt as if he got to know Thayne much better than before, engaging in light conversation on the tasks they worked together on. Though they mostly talked about the work that each new day brought, what they would cook for meals, and other mundane topics. It was pleasant, nonetheless, and Zaire even found himself sharing timid smiles with the older wolf, both men slowly opening up to one another.

Thayne was still a quiet, intimidating man, though Zaire felt as if he was becoming more comfortable around him. With each passing day, Zaire felt his body and mind relax, becoming accustomed to his new way of life and the man who welcomed him and his children into his home.

Zaire found Thayne... pleasant to be around. It was surprising how fast he took a liking to the man, perhaps being the fact that he was a powerful wolf that only showed him and his pups kindness, never using his strength and authority against them in any harmful way. He seemed to look out for Zaire as well as the pups, treating them with nothing but respect.

He came to love the time spent out in the fields, whether it be tending to crops or helping out with the many farm animals scattered about the land. Even mucking out dirty stalls had become a less bothersome task when done alongside the warrior.

Thayne had explained over their time spent together that the farmlands in which he lived received hardly any snow during the cold seasons since he resided in the southernmost part of the Northern Isle. Though it still got freezing cold, the plants kept growing year-round due to magic and mixtures to help sustain farms across the kingdom. Without this magic, wolves would not have been able to live so far north in the winter, especially when hunting animals would move south for the colder seasons and food would become scarce.

He explained that even if they were to receive snow, the plants would survive should they be buried under the snow. It would only be a bother to Thayne who would have to spend the time digging each plant carefully out in order not to damage the plant.

The more time Zaire spent out in the fields with crops, the more intrigued he was at the prospect of learning more about each plant and its growth patterns. What crop they would yield and how to properly care for them. He found much joy in tending to the plants, watching them grow and bear fruits and vegetables that they would eat later on. The more time he spent, learning how to sustain a farm, the more he thought about his future with his pups. When he was finally released from his punishment, he would beg the King to gift him his own plot of land to live out the rest of his life tending to his own farm with his children.

Zaire was currently piling ripe vegetables into a basket, kneeling next to a snap pea plant. Picking the ripened pods full of plump peas and deposits them into the basket beside him. A shadow falls over him, though he feels no fear as he smells the familiar woodsy scent of Thayne invading his senses.

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