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Hello readers! I am back with another update! Hope you enjoy it! This book will most likely only have four more chapters plus an epilogue. I think that I will do a continuation of this series with another character, I am just having trouble picking one to focus on. Any ideas or thoughts would be appreciated. I know I said this would be the last installment in the series, but I can't let go. Remember to vote and comment, it is much appreciated!

Until next time,


Zaire awoke to strong arms wrapped securely around him. His head rose and fell with Thayne's breaths, the older man's heartbeat thrumming steadily in his ear.

He snuggles closer to Thayne, breathing in the man's scent deeply. He couldn't believe that he wasn't dreaming. It felt surreal, having Thayne in his cottage. He was afraid that this would all be a dream. A figment of his imagination that would disappear when he woke up. He was so desperate to be near Thayne, that he was creating hallucinations to cope with his loneliness. But it wasn't, and he was cuddled up close to the man he loved.

He loved Thayne.

So much.

Zaire gently kisses the man's cheek before settling in against him, fully prepared to go back to sleep. His eyelids became heavy as soon as he pillows his head on Thayne's chest. He was just about asleep when-,

"Mama," Ehren's gentle voice calls out from the doorway.  He stood in the entryway with his school clothes on, rocking back and forth on his feet. "Will you walk us to class today?"

Zaire glances down at Thayne's sleeping form, not wanting to remove himself from the man's comforting arms. He looks back at his precious son, his vibrant green eyes pleading with him.

"...Alright. Let me get my shoes on, and we will leave soon."

"Thank you, Mama," Ehren says, bounding down the hall towards the front door.

Zaire carefully slips out of Thayne's grasp, the older man groggily reaching out to feel for him. Zaire slots a pillow between his arms as a placeholder until he returns. Thayne takes hold of the pillow, inhaling the omega's scent in his sleep. He settles in almost immediately, making Zaire's heart soar. The older man clearly comforted by the omega's scent.

Zaire smiles, pressing a gentle kiss to the man's forehead. He dresses quickly, slipping on his boots before meeting his three children on the front steps. They take turns holding Zaire's hand along the way, skipping and running ahead, chasing each other down the road.

The children bid Zaire goodbye with a kiss as they make their way into the school building. Zaire waves at the children until they disappear through the doorway.  The walk back to the cottage was peaceful. The air was a bit chilly, making him pull his shawl tighter around his body. The seasons were changing and making way for much cooler weather. Though it was not nearly as harsh as the weather further up north where Thayne lived. The year-round chill was still something Zaire was getting used to, as he had lived in Abingora, where the summers were blazing and the winters were mild.

Pebbles and hardened ground crunch under Zaire's boots as he walks down the long side path that leads to his cottage. Small animals scurried around, squirrels climbing up trees and a few birds called out to each other in the distance. He opens the door, placing his coat and shawl on the rack before rushing back to his room so Thayne could warm him up.

Zaire crawls into bed as gently as he can, not wanting to wake Thayne up before he is ready. Though Thayne turns his body to face Zaire, a soft smile on his lips. His eyes were still glazed over with sleep and his breaths were steady. But he still leaned in to kiss the omega as he cuddled up to Thayne's side.

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