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Thayne had stayed at Zaire's cottage for a little over a month. Their newly formed mate bond keeping them nearly attached to the hip most days.

They cooked together, cleaned, cared for the livestock and farm work, and tended to their pups.

Sometimes, Thayne would let Zaire sleep in, taking the pups to their lessons independently. On other days, they would rise together, walking side by side with their pups in the early morning. Now they had enough hands so that all the pups had one to grab onto while on walks.

Eleanor usually took the middle, grabbing hold of both Zaire and Thayne. Blue, his ever-shy child, stuck by Zaire while Ehren walked beside Thayne. Most of the time, Ehren would not hold onto him. He was ten, after all. And growing boys tended to stick to their own rather than hold onto their parents' hands. Sometimes, Zaire would spot the boy holding onto his father while they walked.

The pups adapted nicely to having Thayne live with them. Each pup wanted to spend as much time with Thayne as they did with Zaire. Eleanor lovingly referred to Thayne as 'daddy' while Ehren called him 'Father'. He would still jokingly call him 'Mister Thayne' every once in a while because he knew it irked the man. And Blue had begun to speak to Thayne and Zaire through mind-link more often. An improvement compared to his speaking through Ehren. Though Zaire wished his pup would speak out loud one day. It seemed unlikely, but he held onto hope that one day he would hear his sweet Blue's voice.

Now, Thayne lay in bed with Zaire by his side. His precious omega was sleeping peacefully with one hand under their pillows, and his other absentmindedly stroking the dark hairs on Thayne's chest.

Today was the day Thayne would tell his parents about his shock mating with Zaire. He only wrote to his parents inviting them over for supper. They would only notice Zaire and their pups' presence when they arrived. His lovely mate offered to cook a meal with the meatiest chicken from his farm. 'Only the best for my in-laws,' Zaire had said.

"Zaire, wake up, my beloved." Thayne presses a gentle kiss to his cheek. Zaire squirms but does not rouse from his slumber. "Zaire..."

Thayne notices Zaire's hardened cock pressed against his thigh. The omega - with his eyes still closed - smiles cheekily, burying his head into the pillow.

Thayne gets the hint, sliding under the covers and situating himself between Zaire's thighs. He noses the omega's mating mark, sucking gently on the skin which makes Zaire moan.

"We won't go all the way," Thayne says, mouthing the tip of Zaire's sizable cock. "But I'll give you some motivation to wake up."


Zaire and Thayne make their way out of the cottage hand in hand, watching as their children shift into their small wolf forms and take off down the path.

"Are you sure we'll be there in time," Zaire asks, pressing into Thayne's side. "The pups get quite distracted, especially in their wolf forms. All the new smells and such."

"We're in no rush. We have all day to get to my cottage. That is why I suggested we leave earlier. I know how much the pups love being outdoors."

Zaire laughs sweetly as the pups chase after a chipmunk. All three yip and run around the trunk as the poor little animal darts up the tree.

"Every time I see our children playing together," Zaire says, placing a hand on his flat stomach. "I picture our baby right next to them. The one that left us too soon... Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to bring the mood down."

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