Chapter 5 Catch my breath

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Chapter 5 Catch my breath

Renesmee’s POV

          My eyes snap open, as the car pulls over on the side of the road. Looking around, I see a small house. It’s a pale yellow that reminds me of the kitchen at Grandpa Charlie’s house. The yard is mostly sand, but there is a small garden in the left side of the spacious yard before us. A cherry red beamer is sitting in the driveway, and in the middle of the yard is a single bird bath. It’s not much but I take in every last detail of my Grandma’s house. As soon as daddy turns the car off, I’m out of the car. I sprint across the yard, and directly to the front door, which is mostly glass. Just before I knock, a thought crosses my mind.

          What if she doesn’t like me? What if she hates me? What if she doesn’t want to be my Grandma? Daddy puts his arms around me at that moment, and mommy joins us. She knocks three times on the door, and then I hear it. I can hear her heartbeat, as she walks to the door. In the moments, before she opens the door, my mommy tenses, and I can tell that she’s nervous to see her mommy too. I reach over, and take her hand, and give it a gentle squeeze, so she knows that I’m here, and that I’m never ever going to leave her, like she was forced to do with her mommy.

          Through the glass, I can see her face. Her eyes, and I can tell that I’m going to love her as much as my mommy does. She unlocks the door, and pulls it open, before dropping her coffee in surprise. Her mouth opens in a scream, and she throws her arms around mommy. I can see mommy visibly relax, and then she wraps her arms around Grandma. After a long hug, and plenty of tears, Grandma pulls away, and looks at the rest of us huddled on her porch. Her eyes take me in for a moment, before they widen with realization. She watched her daughter get married five years ago, and now she sees a teenage girl, who is definitely her biological granddaughter.

Lucas’s POV

          I speed away from the farm, as fast as my superhuman speed will allow me. I finally break through the last of the trees, and come to the edge of a dark highway. There are no cars, so I just pick a direction, and run. There is no time for me to even smell in the right direction. If she catches up to me, then she’ll do her thing again, and my powers will disappear again. I continue running down the road, and finally I begin to recognize my surroundings. I’m near La Push, and I’m heading in the right direction. I’m so absorbed by my surroundings that I almost run right in front of a car.

I swerve to the side at the last minute, and look forward once again, only to freeze in my tracks. She’s there, just in front of me and then I feel it. My body begins to slow down, and then, she is there just inches from me, when she kicks me with the force of an angry vampire. My defenseless body hurtles through the air, which is never a good thing when you’re near the edge of a bluff, dozens of feet above the water. In a last effort attempt to save myself, I latch onto the guard rail. I’m there hanging off the edge of a cliff, holding my own weight up, when she walks to the rail.

She flashes that same lipstick smile, and I realize that there’s only one way to actually get away from her, and that it may be very dangerous, but I have no other choice at this point, so without even a second thought, I relinquish my grip on the rail, and the wind whips around me all of a sudden. I’m free falling, and then I’m freezing. The water seems so much colder than before, and then I realize what her gift actually does. When you’re near her, she can temporarily turn you back into a weak human. With dread, I realize that I have to get away from her.

I take a deep breath, before I plummet beneath the water. I swim downward, and even when my lungs beg for air, and I feel as though I’m going to lose the fight and die right here, I still swim. Just when my vision is beginning to darken something changes. My arms make the motion of a stroke, but I propel much farther than before, and my visions brightens a hundred times over. My lungs relax significantly, and I know that I’ve lost her. I kick my feet, and propel myself farther away from the cliff, until I’m about a mile out. At that moment, I surface, and sniff the air. I instantly know where to go.

I begin to swim in the direction of Emmett. I can sense him getting closer, and then the shore comes into view. I propel myself forward, and within seconds, I’m there. I stagger onto the beach, and he’s already there. I collapse into his arms, and he lifts me off my feet. Cradling me like a baby, he hurries along the beach, and right over to where the rest of his family stands waiting. I don’t understand why I’m so weak, when I was just at the top of my strength. I go to warn Emmett about her being nearby, but I pass out at that moment. Everything goes silent, and everything goes dark.

“Lucas?” I hear his voice through my sleep, and for some reason, I actually feel it flooding through my pores, and onto my wounded soul. I imagine his voice stitching all that’s wrong with me, and soon I feel good as new. I open my eyes, and see that he’s sitting over me, and we’re in our room. I sit up, and look around for a moment, before relaxing. I’m safe. I can finally catch my breath. I do what I’ve wanted to do, since I started my journey back to him, I launch into his arms, and our lips finally collide, for the first time in what feels like a lifetime. It does so much for my fear, and my pain.

“How long was I gone?” I ask, when we finally break apart. He looks at me, and then looks down at his hands, which are wringing each other in a close knit. What is he hiding from me? “Emmett, what’s going on?” I demand, my voice faltering from the angry tone I depicted.

“It’s gotten bad.” He doesn’t have to say anymore, I shoot to my feet, and leave his hand trailing after me, as I race to her side. She’s now being kept on a ventilator, and she has bruises all down her body. I grip her hand, and she opens her eyes. For some reason, she meets my gaze with the biggest smile on her face.

'You were gone for five days, I was worried about you” she explains, with her weak voice. She sounds like each word is causing her incomprehensible pain. Tears flood my eyes, as I sit by the woman giving me everything, but the cost will take everything from her. I can’t even save her now, but she is sacrificing everything for me to have a little piece of everything for my new family. I lean over, and kiss her forehead, before leaving her to get some rest. I join Emmett, who is now in the kitchen. That’s when I realize that I’m still human. What the hell? Did she do something else to me? I grip Emmett’s hand, as the thoughts race through my mind, which feels surprisingly sluggish, after experiencing a vampire mind.

Chloe’s POV

          I race up the stairs to our hotel room, and fling the door open excitedly. My smile falters, as I lay eyes on the scene before me. Is he freaking kidding me? Jackson is standing there with a pile of money on our bed, and blood on his shirt. He looks up, as I walk in, and his smiles disappears faster than a fat girl’s Twinkie. I turn around, and rush back down the steps, the tears are stinging at the corners of my eyes. I have to get away from here. Jackson is the one who caused those sirens. Jackson is the one who robbed the bank, and killed four people. Is this really happening?

          Jackson runs after me, but I just shove him away. The tears are falling down my face, and I can’t control them right now. My emotions feel like a raging hurricane. What a complete douche bag have I given everything to?

          “Chloe, let me explain, please babe” he calls with that pouty voice he always gives, when he wants me to forgive him for, but this time it’s too much.

          “Jackson, just leave me alone, and get away from me. I need a few days to myself. I need you to just go, please” I cry, and he falters.

          I hurry away from him, from what I thought was my future. I’m not sure anymore. I’m not sure of anything. I thought my life was finally going somewhere positive, and now? Where the hell am I supposed to go from here? I kick someone’s overflowing trash can over, as I angrily storm past a neighborhood. I’m pissed! I rush through the middle of the small town we chose, and make my way over to our apartment. I quickly unlock the door, and head right inside. I just got the utilities on, before I went back to surprise Jackson to find him there with all of that money. What has he done? I plop down on the floor because there is no furniture, and lean my head against the wall, and let all my tears flow. What am I going to do now? In that moment, I realize how much I miss my brothers. It aches insid, and I wish I could call him, but I doubt he’d even talk to me after what I did, after I abandoned him.

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