Chapter 32 Break Free

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Chapter 32 Break Free

Chloe's POV

Landon opens the door, and slips outside to face me. His face splits into a smile, as we stand there in the yard behind the Cullens' house. Today is the day, and we all might die. I fill in the distance between us, and smash into him. I'm not holding back anymore. I want him, and I want this to happen, before they wipe us out. He seems shocked by my aggression, but welcomes the kiss, as I knew he would. When we break apart. He looks down at me, and then kisses me once more. It's so nice to hold nothing back.

What did you want to do, know?" he asks, unable to say the actual words. I look around, my hands still resting on his chest as we stand there. I think about it, and I'm just about to suggest exactly what I'd like to do; when agony erupts in my arms. I look down, and see with dread the letters sprawling up and down my arms, as my gift comes into effect. I feel like I'm about to drop to my knees, when something even stranger happens. The pain disappears. I look down, and see that the writing is still moving up and down my skin, but there is no feeling.

"What the hell is happening?" I ask Landon, but my voice is lost to a crushing silence. Why can't I hear myself talking? I'm just beginning to freak out, when the sound rushes back, as does a degree of my pain. I can tell it's being subdued, but I'm not sure how exactly.

"Are you okay?" he asks, as soon as the hearing returns. He must've gone deaf as well. My feeling, and my hearing gone? What could possibly cause my senses to fail? What could've caused this? My stomach sinks at the realization.

"They're here" I say simply, before taking a step closer to the house. Landon stiffens at my words, and then grabs ahold of me, and next thing I know we're inside of the house. Edward is standing there in the living room, and then his eyes widen. He must've gotten the information straight from our minds because he shouts to the house at large.

"They're here. Be ready for anything. Radiah! We need your shield, they brought Alec" he says to the vampire, as she appears from within the kitchen. Here we go.

Lucas's POV

Fear crawls up my throat, as I sprint down the stairs. I look around, and see Emmett. I can see the fear in his own eyes, but I can also see the bloodlust. Everything that we've been waiting for has been leading up to this moment. We're about to go head to head with the Vulturi. We will either succeed, or be eradicated by the end of today. The thought is oddly appeasing. Whichever way the situation ends up turning, this will be over today. I know that we will likely die, but there is a chance we could win.

I know it may be slim, but if we were to win, then we could pick up the pieces, and live our lives without the fear of these corrupt bastards.

"You ready?" Emmett asks me, as he strides over to me. He grabs ahold of my hand, and tows me along, as we head out of the house. I have half a mind, to grab him tighter, and pull him away from danger. I can't leave our family though. I push through the fear, and walk with my true love to what might be our downfall. It's not an easy thing to accept.

We join the large group of vampires we've built in the center of the yard, and a single sob escapes my lips, when I thin k of all the death that will be seen in just a few minutes. I look over at Emmett, and see a dark look in his eyes.

"I love you. I love you so much Emmett. You brought me back to life, and I've had the best life imaginable since. You have truly become my everything, and I wanted you to know, in case..." I say, my sentence trailing off, as he nods.

"Lucas, you have been the very best part of my life, and I will always love you. I found true love with you. Thank you" he says, as tears fill in his eyes. I feel my heart pounding there in the yard, as we wait for the battle to begin. It feels as if it may beat right out of my chest. It feels like at any second; it'll break free, and drop from my body.

"Forever and always then" I say, my voice thick with grief, as he takes my hand again. He pulls me into a tight hug, and I breathe in his scent.

"Forever and always my love" he says, and then Edward hisses. I straighten up, turning in the direction of the noise. Just beyond the edge of the tree line, dozens of cloaked figures march. I can see them, as they approach. They are finally here, and we're about to fight for our lives, for our homes, and for our freedom. I crouch, as they exit the surrounding forest. One feeling now runs through my veins. This is what people call bloodlust? I literally want nothing more than to tear them apart. Here we go.

Renesmee's POV

The vampires come to a stop just beyond the stream that cuts our yard in half. I can see Jane from the front of the line, where she smiles at the group before her. A smile fills my face, as I look out upon her. She needs to die, and I'm going to do it. That is my goal for this fight. I want to be the one to wipe that smile off of her stupid face. My smile drops, and I know my face has gone blank, when he comes into view. Aro. He's tall, and his long black hair falls freely, as he removes the cloak. Anger fills my stomach at the sight of him.

I remember the days when they kept me locked away, and he would come visit me nearly every single day. I swallow the bile in my mouth, as he comes to a stop as well. They all just stand there, still as statues. It's very intimidating. I wish I could run to my daddy, and comfort him, but then he would know I stayed behind. He had sent one of the vampires to take me far away from here, but I didn't listen. Even so, I wish I could hold my daddy right now because even though I want to be grown up about this, he really scares me.

Aro moves to stand before the rest of the group. I can see every detail of his face, and even though I'm supposed to be shielded, he looks directly at me, and smiles knowingly.

"Hello Renesmee. It's so very nice to see you my lovely child" he says, and I see my daddy stiffen. He turns in the direction of Aro's gaze, and looks directly at me. I know he can't see me, but he can see where I am through Aro's thoughts. I tense, before deciding to just stay where I am.

"Won't you just surrender, and avoid all of this bloodshed?" he wonders, and I freeze. Is he talking directly to me still?

"I'm not going anywhere you monster" daddy says, and I flinch at the hatred in his voice. He really is angry isn't he?

"Well that is unfortunate my son." He says, and daddy stiffens at the words, then Aro continues. His words shock me.

"Kill them all. Save Renesmee only" his words reverberate through the crowd, then Felix lunges forward, and uncle Emmett collides with him. Here we go.

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