Chapter 30 Moonlight

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Chapter 30 Moonlight

Renesmee's POV

I try to pretend that nothing has changed. That everything is how it should be, and nobody I love is going to die. I try to remember a time in my life, when everyone I loved was safe and happy at the same time, but nothing has ever been normal or safe. I know I should be so much sadder, but it feels almost normal to me at this point. I look over and see my Jacob looking off into space. He is sad, sadder than I feel. I wonder why the feelings haven't hit me. Maybe they will, when I'm forced to leave them all tomorrow.

I would like to think daddy wouldn't send me away, but I already know how he works. I can't handle something like that, much less leaving Jacob. I lean over to him, and place my lips against his. He seems agitated, but kisses me back nonetheless. We're still over at his house, and I don't want to leave because I know what's coming tomorrow. Everyone I ever loved will likely be dead tomorrow, and that's not something I can ever be okay with. I want to stand with them, and I want to help them defeat those monsters.

Jacob leans up, and looks into my eyes. His eyes are shining with what looks like unshed tears. I look down, avoiding the sadness there. His lips tremble slightly, as I look up to face him. I'm just about to look back down, when he tucks a finger under my chin, and forces me to maintain the gaze. I see the sadness engulfing his rich eyes with melancholy. I try to look away, but he has me captivated by his sadness.

"Nessie, I love you more than anything on this planet. I love you more than anyone else" he explains, and I smile.

He frowns when I roll my eyes. I can tell he is perturbed by my reaction. He stiffens slightly, before letting go of my chin. His hands flail animatedly.

"Renesmee I'm serious. I want you to know this before... before tomorrow" I turn to face him, forcing myself not to smile. He seems to appreciate that because he continues. "You are my everything, and I need you to know that you are someone special, and you are someone amazing to me. I love who you've become, and I hope we can continue, but if we can't then thank you for the time that I've had" he explains, before leaning in.

Jacob kisses me, and this time I can feel the intensity of his lips against mine. It's something that I've never felt before. In that moment, I realize that he finally let go of the misconception that I'm still a child. I would say I'd kiss him for it, but I'm already doing that. He finally let go of that image, and it is so obvious in the way he's kissing me. I enjoy the touch of him, and the warmth of his skin, as he gently leans me back against the arm of the couch, and hovers over me, his lips still locked in mine. The butterflies are everything, as we enjoy our possible last night together.

Lucas's POV

Emmett sits on the edge of the bed, his eyes downcast as we silently ponder our final moments. I know we talked about it earlier, but I still find it hard to be positive in a situation like this. We're literally sitting ducks, waiting for our lives to be ended by some overbearing force. This wasn't how I wanted to go out. I thought we'd have so many more years. I thought we'd be together for an eternity, and now. Now we might die tomorrow. A single tears slips from my eye, and rolls down my cheek silently.

"Do you remember the boat?" he asks. His voice is sharp, his eyes hollow as he remembers some far off memory. I close my eyes, and immediately see the scene before me. He had taken me out of my small Georgia county for the first time ever. He had taken me out on the boat, and made me swim. I had been so scared, but looking back it may have been the moment I fell in love with him. He has always been so fearless. I smile at the memory, and turn to him. I nod, as he continues to relive the scene.

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