Chapter 14 I need You

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Chapter 14 I need you

Lucas's POV

I roll over, before realizing what day it is. I sit bolt upright, and look around. It's early morning, and for once the sun is shining in Forks. My head feels so heavy, and I feel the urge to throw up, but then the thought of Emmett being my husband makes me so giddy. I force myself out of bed, and rush to the kitchen in a blur of speed. I quickly down the contents of a bottle of water, before rushing back upstairs to take a shower. I turn the water on, and slip inside the rain of falling water, and steam. It feels so good after all the alcohol last night.

I really don't understand why people feel the need to get drunk the night before their wedding day. It seriously just causes a headache literally. I let the steaming water wash over me, and it feels as if everything from my past, and all the bad things that I thought I could never let go of has dissipated, and is washing down the drain along with all of the little drops of water. I'm freaking getting married today! The thought races through my mind once more, as I turn the water off, and tightly wrap the towel around me.

An hour later I'm completely ready, and I'm just looking at myself in the mirror. A single loose black curl falls onto my pale forehead, as I giddily prepare myself to marry the man of my dreams. I smile at myself, and for the first time in years, I see my mother's smile in my reflection. The smile seems so genuine, so raw that I'm startled when someone knocks at the door, and I jump out of my trance. I reach over, unbolting the door, allowing whoever it is to enter. The person who enters does nothing more than contribute to my ever growing smile.

Her dark brown hair is pinned up into an elegant bun, that leaves the expanse of her beautiful face as clear as a field of freshly mown grass. Her blue eyes are alight with a cool blue flame that will surely burn longer than eternity itself, and her thin rose petal lips are formed into a familiar smile that resonates a heat only she can give. Alex stands there, and then I notice that she has her hands outstretched into an anticipated hug. I follow her wordless command, and wrap my arms around her in a tight hug.

"I've missed you!" I exclaim, as we pull apart, and I look into her friendly eyes. "Thank you for coming" I say smiling uncontrollably.

"I've missed you too Luke" she says, before reaching into her bag with an excited look on her young, beautiful face. "I've been working on something for a while, and perfected it just in time to give to you as my wedding gift, since you know I'm a broke ass and can't buy you something, from what was it? Kohl's?" she says, laughing, and I join her.

What could she have gotten me? I smile at her, my eyes tearing up because it's so nice of her to make me something. She pulls out a small round mirror, about the size of a dinner plate. There are strange runes written all around the frame of the mirror, which is beautiful in itself. I stare down at the mirror quizzically, before looking up at her nonplussed as to what it is.

"This mirror will work as a sort of gateway into the other side. Nothing physical can be exchanged, but you will be able to contact, see, and talk to anyone who is dead. " I hear the words that she's saying, but my mind is frozen at the word "other side".

"How-how does it work?" I ask, my voice cracking, as I try to fathom the possibility of seeing my entire family on my wedding day, and any day from now, until forever.

"For now, it can only be accessed on the same phase of the moon, as the first time you use it. Meaning, you will only be able to use it one or two times a month. I thought you might like to talk to them" she explains, and I throw my arms around her. Tears are streaming down my face, and I'm so excited. "Here, sit down." She commands, and I follow suit. "Just touch each of these runes , and say the name of the person you would like to see. You will have a limit of three people at a time." She explains.

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