Chapter 15 What's left of me

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Chapter 15 What's left of me

Chloe's POV

As the music begins to play, and I watch as my brother is led onto the dance floor by his husband, I smile briefly, before someone moves just behind me.

"Hello love, would you care to take a spin?" a light attractive voice whispers, from just behind me. I turn around, and my eyes fall upon him. I have to force my jaw from dropping because that would be incredibly embarrassing. He has light blue eyes, like the color of blue you think of, when you hear that someone's having a baby boy.

I smile up at him, before wordlessly giving him my hand. With a charming bow, and a light kiss upon my quivering hand, he gently pulls me onto the floor. I'm smiling at him because he is so different.

"Chloe" I offer, my name filling the small gaping space between us. He just smiles even more attractively, before replying to my name drop with such elegance, such mystery.

"Landon, it's a pleasure" he says with a tilt of his lips, and then he twirls me around.

I let him lead me around the room, and I notice Lucas, as we maneuver around the dancing couples. He looks so happy, and the stars in his eyes are as bright as the northern star. I'm so happy that they finally got to be happy, and after everything Luke has had to go through, he deserves it.

"So, are you here for Lucas, or Emmett?" he asks, bringing back to our magical dance.

"Lucas, he's my brother. What about you?" I ask, and he smiles with that perfect little grin.

"Lucas saved my life, back in Italy." He explains, before dipping me at the end of the first song. As Carrie Underwood's voice is no more, and the dance is over, he releases me, and I just stare over at him. He truly is something else. "Thank you for the dance, miss Everett!" he says, before kissing my hand once more, and leaving me behind feeling like a love-stricken little girl. Who is he? Lucas comes up to me at that moment, so Landon leaves my mind for the moment. Luke looks so happy, and so content.

"Can I have a dance with my big sister?" he asks, his arms open, for me. I beam at him, before he pulls me into a hug. Within a second, he's lifted me off my feet, and we're in the middle of the dance floor. This song is much faster than the last, so we're having fun with it. He picks me up, throwing me into the air, in a way that makes me think of a cheerleading move, just as gravity catches me, and I fall back to earth, he easily catches me in his arms, and sets me back on my feet, just to twirl me with such ease. Wow, how far we've come since we were the siblings, who never spoke. I'm so happy we got closer. Lucas is my brother, but he's also my best friend.

Lucas's POV

The song ends, and Chloe pulls away with a tender look in her eyes. I lean in, and plant a kiss on her forehead before she heads over to dance with Dylan. I stand there for a moment, just looking at my brother and sister. Today truly has been a dream come true. I turn away from them, and stroll back over to Emmett. He's dancing with Alice, so I stand back for a moment, while they finish their dance. She beams up at him, before releasing him. She turns to me with that playful smile of hers.

"Lucas, I'm so happy that you came into our lives. You are truly a gift!" she says, pulling me into a very tight hug. She pulls away, before gently pushing me toward Emmett. Emmett looks up, seeing my face before his entire face lights up. He leans over, grabbing ahold of my hand. I let Emmett pull me closer, into a hug. I savor the feel of his skin, knowing that I'll be feeling his touch for as long as we both shall live. I lift my hand to cup his face, and press my lips to his. I part my lips slightly, and he tightens his grip around me.

"Luke, you are so perfect. You are everything that I've ever wanted, and everything that I've ever needed. I love you so much" he says, and tears flood my eyes.

"I have a question for you." I say, and he looks at me confused, for a moment, but then he sees the look on my face, and starts to smile once more.

"What is it?" he asks, and I can't keep a straight face anymore, so I just let the smile return.

"Are you ready for our honeymoon?" I ask him, and the look on his face, makes me want him alone right now.

"What do you say we get out of here?" he asks, and I feel his hand quiver a little. I know what that means, and it excites the hell out of me. I don't even answer his question. I grab his hand, and pull him along with me, as we make our way to the exit sign. It was a beautiful ceremony, but I'm ready for us to get into our room, and out of these clothes. The thoughts make me blush, which Emmett notices because he whirls me around, and gently pushes me against the wall. His face is inches from mine, and then there isn't.

He kisses me, and his lips are everywhere. I know that we've kissed every single day for months now, but for some reason it feels so much different to be kissing my husband, the man of my dreams, the man that I'll spend the rest of my life with. I pull away again, but this time it's for good.

"Let's go get our flight!" I suggest, and he leans in to kiss me one more time. Then he pulls me back in for one more eager kiss, before pulling me by the arm, and almost dragging me to his car.

The sound of the pilot on the intercom fills my ears, and I jerk awake. We're on our way to Ireland for our honeymoon, and we've been in the air for twelve hours now. I look up at Emmett, and see that he is wide awake. He also looks very uncomfortable. I sit up, and he looks at me with eyes that say he doesn't want to stop holding me. I lean into him, and just rest my head on his shoulder. His body is stiff, but I can see in his eyes that he's happy. What the hell is happening right now? I decide to figure it out.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" I ask him, and he smiles stiffly for a moment. I'm so confused right now. This is so awkward.

"Hey in like one minute meet me by where they keep the alcohol. I'll be waiting" he says, before hopping up out of his seat. I stare after him, so confused at what just happened. He wants to get drunk? I wait for the minute to pass, before jumping to my feet. I walk down the aisle, and within seconds I'm standing by the cart where they carry the little bottles of alcohol.

I look around briefly, before something grabs me from behind. Just as I'm about to attack the person, I realize that it's Emmett. He cups his hand over my mouth, and pulls me backwards into a dark room. When I finally break free, and look around; I see that we're in one of the small bathrooms.

"Emmett what the h-" I begin, but then I realize what his plan is. My face breaks into a smile, as I pull him into a close embrace. We don't have very much room in here, but I think we have enough room for this.

"Well I guess, we should consummate the marriage huh?" I say in a flirty tone. He growls softly, before lifting me off the floor. I wrap my legs around his waist, as he lays me back on the sink counter. Emmett lowers himself down to kiss me softly, before pulling away to look me in the way that shows me that I made the right decision. He then does something that shocks even me. He reaches down, and slips my shorts down to where they're hanging around my ankles. After a second, I feel his own jeans drop to the floor.

Emmett comes back to me, and leans down to kiss me once more. His eyes are so soft, and his smile is so perfect. I can't believe we're doing this, but I know that I won't regret this because of how much I know that he loves me.

I grab Emmett's hand, as we're ushered off of the plane. I look out over the high fences of the airport boundary, and see the beautiful surroundings of our temporary paradise. This marriage may be what's left of me, but that doesn't diminish the happiness that I feel right now.


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