Chapter 10 Beautiful Soul

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Chapter 10 Beautiful Soul

Renesmee's POV

Today is my first day at Seattle West High school. I can do this. I know that I can do this. Mommy is currently driving me to school, and I'm over here in my seat worrying up a storm, before my first day. What if nobody likes me? What if I get made fun of? Pushing my silly worries aside, I lean over to give mommy a hug, as we park in front of my new school. After that brief hug, I'm out of the car and looking up at the place that I'll be spending my next four years at. I go to walk up the steps, but I'm bumped into by someone.

My books tumble to the ground, and even though I could move in a blur and catch them, I let them rain down on the ground below because daddy told me I have to blend in if I'm going to be able to stay here for a long period of time. Squatting down to pick up my books, I'm shocked to see him already down there. He smiles up at me, as he hands me my newly stacked pile of books. I beam down at my savior. He stands p to his feet, and I see how tall he is. He's close to a foot taller than me, but that's not all I notice.

He has blonde hair like Uncle Emmett does. His eyes are green, like daddy's eyes, and he has this smile. It's a smile that I can't honestly compare to anyone else's smile. He is so unique, but so uniform at the same time.

"Are you okay?" he asks, as he hands me the rest of my stuff. "I didn't meant to bump into you" he explains, and I smile at him.

"Yea, I think I'm okay. Thanks for picking them up for me" I reply, and he just runs a hand through his beautiful hair.

"No problem beautiful. Are you new?" he asks, making me blush slightly, before nodding my head. "I'm Michael. Nice to meet you!" he exclaims, holding out a hand for me to shake. I take it happily, and he leans down to plant a soft, wet kiss on the top of my hand. I giggle a little, which seems to bolster his joy because he drops my hand with a smile. "What's your name darling'?" he asks, and I feel weird inside. What is this feeling? I've never felt this one before. I realize that I'm just standing there silently.

"Oh, it's Renesmee, Renesmee Cullen. Nice to meet you by the way" I finally reply. I wonder if he thinks I'm slow minded or something.

"That's a beautiful name Renesmee. Would you like me to walk you to class?" he asks, and I smile again. He really is nice, isn't he? At that moment, he tucks a loose lock of my hair behind my ear, and butterflies fill my stomach.

"Yes please!" I answer, and he wraps his arm with mine, and tows me in the direction of my first class. I think I'm going to like it here.

Lucas's POV

It's all wrong. The lady before me stands there, flipping through the book, trying to show me all these different caskets, but it all feels false. Sam would've hated this. Sam would've preferred something more basic. Actually Sam would've preferred not to die. The thought eats its way back into my mind, and once it's its planted it brings life to all my hidden fears, and all the things I try to push away. In that moment, I burst into tears once more, and Emmett tightens his grip on my hand.

"I'm sorry sir. I know this is hard, but we can find something that will be just right for Ms. Samantha" the woman says, tapping her ruby red nails against one of the more expensive titanium caskets. Bile rises in my throat, as I resist the urge to snap her neck right there in the middle of the funeral home. I can almost taste what her blood would taste like, and my mouth begins to water. I sit up rigidly, swallowing the saliva, and forcing myself to re-focus on the topic at hand. I look down at her still tapping fingers.

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