Chapter 4 Toxic

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Chapter 4 Toxic

Renesmee’s POV

          I sit in the back seat, just looking out the window, as the trees fly by. We’ve been driving, for what seems like days, but daddy said it’s only been about twenty hours since we left New York. We’ll be done driving soon, but we’re only staying at Grandma Renee’s house for a few hours. Mommy hasn’t seen her since she got married to daddy, and we’re surprising her. I know that she won’t believe the story about me getting adopted, but now that we don’t follow the laws of the Vulturi, there’s nothing stopping us from telling her the truth, which is why I finally get to meet her.

          I look over to my Jacob, and smile when I see how peaceful his face looks, when he’s sleeping. His face is so smooth, and his skin is so pretty. I sit there just observing how beautiful my Jacob is. His wolf form is even more beautiful, and I’m so happy that mommy didn’t kill him. I hear daddy snort with amusement, and I remember that he can hear my thoughts. I meet his gaze in the mirror, and his green eyes are lit like a fire. I look away, and then my eyes flit around the car, as we pass a sign that reads “WELCOME TO JACKSONVILLE”. I’m so nervous to meet my grandma!

Lucas’s POV

          I open my eyes, and groggily look around because it’s the first time in a while that Emmett isn’t right beside me. I try to reach over to him, and that’s when I realize that I’m not in our bed. I’m suspended by shackles on my wrists. I frantically try to break the chains with my super strength, but for some reason my strength isn’t working. I look around in panic, for any hint as to where I’m at, but I don’t recognize anything in this place. Where the hell am I? How did I get here? Just as I’m starting to remember the whole scene on the beach, and the woman with the cloak, the door creaks open.

          The woman from the beach walks into the room with the same lipstick smile. A smile that worries me beyond all else so far. I wrestle with the shackles once more, and she just lets out a soft chuckle that sets my nerves on edge. I feel the hairs on my neck rise. Why am I having all these human qualities? I didn’t think any of this was possible for vampires. I fight against the chains once more, and she draws her hand back, and slaps me across the face with strength stronger than a human, and I feel the ring on her finger split the skin on my cheek. I hiss out in pain, which only further amuses her.

          “Who are you?” I hiss painfully, as blood runs down my face, once again I’m not healing. What is she doing to me?

          “Never you mind Lucas, just know that I am the one who is going to eventually end the Cullen coven” she says, laughing, and I look down with dread. The blood is still copiously running down my face, and dripping onto my shirt. How long have I been here? I bet Emmett is worried out of his mind. I close my eyes, and think of his face. Immediately, I’m bombarded with such a warm feeling of love, so I hold onto that feeling. I open my eyes, and look her right in the face.

          “You’re Vulturi aren’t you?” I ask, and she just stares at me like I’m a piece of garbage she found on the bottom of her shoe.

          “You speak so freely of them, like you’re worthy to speak of your kings” she says, spit flying from her mouth in anger, so I take my shot, while she’s distracted. I use all my strength to swing my body forward, and throw my legs up, quickly fastening them around her neck, then I twist with all my might, and I hear it snap. She drops to the floor, and I fall back to my original position, but the force of the fall snaps my wrist.

          Pain ignites in my wrist, as I fall back to hanging by both wrists. My vision flickers, for a minute, as I nearly faint from the pain. My broken wrist hangs limp, so I do the only thing I can do to get out of here, I force my thumb through the shackle, and as it slips through, I hear it snap as well. I guess I really broke it because, it’s bleeding. Now that I’m only shackled by one wrist, I finally have my feet on the ground, and I frantically look around for a key, or anything that can get me out of here. When nothing jumps out at me, I’m forced to repeat the painful cycle.

          I try to pull the chain from the ceiling, where it’s attached, when that doesn’t work, I force my other hand through the shackle, just as before, and finally with a broken wrist, and two broken thumbs, I fall to the floor, where I realize that my legs are still not healed, so I can barely hold my own weight on them, let alone run from a psycho vampire. I force myself to my feet, and slowly hobble away from her. I quickly pull the door she came through open, and find myself at the bottom of a set of stairs. I groan in exasperation, before I start to climb up the steps.

          I have no idea how long she’ll be out, from a broken neck but I need to get out of here, before she wakes up. I nearly collapse when I finally reach the top of the stairs. None of my wounds are healing, and I’m still bleeding. What’s going on with me? Is there some sort of toxic spell weighing on me? I push the thoughts aside, as I hurry to the door. I fling it open, and finally I’m outside. I hurry out into the fresh air, and down the front steps. I look back to the house, and see that it’s just some random farm house. I hobble across the yard, and that’s when I see the gate is open.

          I rush across the yard as fast as my injured body will carry me, and as soon as I cross the gate, something weird happens. My thumbs, and wrist each make a snapping noise, as they repair themselves, and I also feel the skin on my cheek knitting itself back together. Then my legs begin to heal, and soon I’m back to my normal self. She had something to do with my lack of healing, and my weakness. Maybe that’s her gift. I waste no more time wondering how she did it, and speed away, before she can do it again. I need to be as far as possible from that psycho, before she wakes up.

Chloe’s POV

          I stand at the front desk, my foot tapping impatiently, as the clerk takes forever making a copy of my driver’s license. I don’t know if it’s because I’m really fast now, or if I just never noticed before but people are so freaking slow. She finally comes waddling from the office, and comes to a stop just before me. She hands me my license, and nods for me to take a seat, and wait to be seen. I almost groan aloud, as I slump into one of the uncomfortable office chairs. Does it really take this long to go through a renter’s application? I could’ve ran like five hundred miles by now.

          I sit waiting for what feels like forever, and just as the lady begins her slow waddle back to me, I hear sirens screaming outside. I wonder what happened. She looks at me with a look of curiosity in her eyes, and then she stops. She literally stops moving, and just stares at me, so I hurriedly fill in the space between us.

          “So…?” I ask, and she looks at me almost startled, like she has no idea what I’m talking about. Is this lady stupid or something? “The application?” I ask, my voice betraying my irritation, and she finally seems to snap out of it,

          “Oh yes dear, here is the number to our renting agency. Just take this up there, and she’ll give you the key to your brand new apartment. Sorry about that. There was a bank robbery over at first national bank, and four people were killed” she explains, and I feel guilty immediately. I’m over here complaining about having to wait a few minutes, when people are across the street being killed. I mouth my thanks to her, and leave her there standing in the middle of the room. I wonder where Jackson is. I need to tell him that we got it. We got into our very first house together. I dial his number, and wait for him to answer, so I can tell him the good news. 

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