Prologue/Chapter 1: Maggie

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A/N: I love this song and listened to it as I wrote this first part. Hope you enjoy it. 
Video made by Just Lyrics on YouTube. 

      No one really knows when the monsters invaded or even how they arrived here. They have been here for as long as we humans could remember. Now, some people developed theories, but who's to say they were true. For instance, many believe that some type of portal separating their world from ours just unexplainably broke. Then of course you had those who chose to believe that the monsters were sent to punish us for our numerous sins. Though this seemed to be most popularly spread by parents wishing to punish their misbehaving children. Lastly, others alleged that the creatures had always been here, roaming the Earth, waiting for the perfect opportunity to attack.

The latter appeared to be the most likely in my opinion. What did it matter anyway? Our world was ravaged by beasts, ghost, goblins, ghouls, demons, and evil monsters worse than anyone could have ever imagined. There was nothing to be done about it either. Instead of being free as we once were, we were forced to hide, submit to their wickedness, or be devoured.

The only catch was they could only come out at night. Now where they disappeared to in the daytime was anyone's guess. Not like it helped the situation anyway. I had never heard of anyone escaping the monsters once they had them in their sights. The tale was that they ate them, cut open their bodies and feasted on their blood and organs. Others were made sacrifices to the many evil deities the monsters called their gods. No scenario offered a positive outcome.

That is why we stayed hidden during the dark hours, locked away in our homes with the curtains pulled tight and the locks double bolted. The cities enforced a citizen-wide curfew. No one was allowed out after sunset. Not that they genuinely cared for all people. They just did not want to have to clean up the mess the monsters left the next day.

For years I had followed the rules. I always finished my tasks well before time to lock up and go home. The lessons were engraved in my brain well by my very frightened mother before I could even talk, let alone go out on my own. Fortunately, she was not here to see me fail her lessons. Had the Pneumonia not killed her, the heart attack induced by my recklessness would have.

At the age of twenty-two, I should have known better. I never should have stayed late at work to finish my last task. Preparing and packaging meat was not interesting, and we had plenty of stores to last the town months, if not a full year. So why I chose to ignore the rules and risk my life so blatantly over wrapping that last morsel, I would never understand. I guess I was just curious.

I was normally the last to leave, but I never stayed this late. Even worse, my home was thirty minutes away from the factory, and with no transportation units available so close to dark, I was forced to walk home. I had made two blocks before dusk arrived, the sky just starting to fade to black. It hit me then that I was fucking screwed. Feeling a chill in the air, I heard the first hints of the monsters' growls, whispers, and calls filled with hunger. "Shit!" I dashed down the street, silently praying to whomever was listening that I would make it in time.

I ran as fast as I could manage carrying my supplies and lunchbox, but it was no use. I would never make it in time. I had four blocks left to cover once the sun finally set. The wind howled and blew my hair in my face as I sensed the monsters getting closer and closer. When suddenly I felt the presence of something so sinister, I nearly wet my pants before I saw it. I ran like hell.

My name is Maggie Morgan, and this is the story of how I became the minotaur's prey.

The Minotaur's Prey: Dirty Monster Mates Book 1Where stories live. Discover now