Chapter 19: Xorn

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I stormed out of the room, down the stairs, and into the gathering area of the house. In all my years, I had never known the emotion that was currently attacking my being, more importantly the cavity in my chest that I previously believed myself not to possess, at the very least it never worked before.

Maggie told me she loved me, and I choked. I was still struggling to catch my breath and control my emotions. "She can't love me. I am an unlovable monster. I don't even know what love is!" Internally I was at war with myself.

Somewhere deep down in my dark, lightless soul, I wondered if what I felt for Maggie went deeper than lust. I had never felt tethered to another as I had her, never wanted to be, but with Maggie it was different. I needed her, and while I knew I cared for her, I loathed being so dependent of her. Monsters like me never depended on another. Relaying on another, much less caring for or trusting someone of my kind, got you nowhere, but dead.

Killing beasts, demons, and other hybrids like me was very difficult, but not impossible. A slither of me wondered if that is what Maggie sought to do. Does she wish to rid herself of me with her declaration or is she trying to trick me in some way? I could not help, but wonder if Maggie would betray me this way, though it was highly unlikely.

I tossed the idea away just as quickly as it came. Maggie was too pure, too kind, sometimes for her own good, to contrive an idea so dark. She was so kindhearted that she would more likely risk herself for someone like me, then knowingly harm anyone, even a monster like me. I wanted to beat myself for thinking it to begin with.

As I continued stalking the room, rationality returned. My heart rate resumed its normal frequency, my mind cleared of the funky cloud. My senses were on high alert, and I wanted to cut off my own tongue when I heard the quiet, but horrible cries of my female prey. I normally did not care if I hurt someone. It wasn't in my nature but judging by the rock-hard squeeze of my nonexistent heart, I cared more than I had realized for the female.

That is when it hit me. I didn't run because she loved me. I ran because I shared the sentiment. I wasn't sure when it had started, but it crept up on me, striking before I could even comprehend what it was. What I excused as just a mere obsession was really a new, strange emotion I wasn't ready to confront: love.

As I turned, ready as I would ever be to face Maggie and the unfamiliar territory, Brohan stood at the bottom of the stairwell watching me. "How long have you been there you old fool?"

He snickered, finding my anguish to be amusing. "Long enough. Finally realizing how foolish you are huh?"

"You don't know what you are talking about!" I rebuked. Truth was he was right. I walked away from Maggie when I should have stayed. I always prided myself on being honest. I was a monster, a fact I could never change, but I was always truthful, especially with myself. Not this time though. I readied myself to ignore the old fool, continuing my trek toward the stairs.

Placing his clawed hand on my shoulder, the demon stopped me. "Give her some space. Believe me. She will need it and you need to find a resolution to your biggest issue of how you are going to proceed with protecting her. Have you figured out what you are going to do about your situation with the others? My senses are telling me something bad is coming our way. As my love used to say, I can feel it in my bones."

"Maybe it's arthritis.", I joked, not wanting to face the harsh reality that something bad was bound to happen. It always did.

"Laugh all you want, but I am always right about these things. It is inevitable. The same light that beckoned you to her, will bring others."

"What do you know about her light, old devil?"

"My sweet Ida had the same light. Pure and caring, much to innocent for someone with a past as dark as mine. She wasn't made for my world or this one, for that matter. She loved me anyway, saw the good in everyone, even an evil demon like me."

For the first time in my five hundred years, I thought I would see a demon cry, but he quickly pulled himself together. "How did you handle it?"

"I told you. We shared our lives, hid here in our fortress of solitude."

"No. I mean with draining her? How did you deal with it?", I asked. I saw when he caught onto what I was speaking of. The playfulness left his eyes quickly. Still, he answered me.

"When I first noticed, I thought nothing of it. I just assumed with time her body would accustom itself to the loss of energy. I was wrong. With time, I realized that she grew tired faster, and her mood would change instantly, she could become irritated at the speed of a pin drop. Still, she stayed with me, even when I tried to walk away and force her hand. She followed." He voiced a fake chuckle.

Brohan sat on the large, oversized sofa. So caught up in his story, I did not even notice he had moved. "The negative effects of our coupling became even more apparent as she grew older. She was weaker, especially closer to the end. It was hard watching her grow old, frail, and weak while I remained youthful and untouched by time. When she died, I wished for so long that I had gone with her. I hope to help you escape the same fate. That is why it is so important that you decide your course."

"I still have to speak with Maggie. If I am going to alter her life in such a way, she should be able to make that decision." Even I was touched by newfound sentimental regard. Even at the very beginning I was sure I would have her either way. I never would have allowed to make her own choice. Things had changed and though I hoped Maggie would choose to stay with me. I knew I could not force her.

"What are you waiting for then? You should go talk to her. Time is wasting.", Brohan so wonderfully reminded me. I got up for my spot on the couch and made my way to the stairs. There were many things my Maggie and I needed to discuss, firstly her new expressed feelings for me.

Suddenly, I sensed a dark force approaching and before I could take another step a blast shook the entire house. I screamed for Maggie just as I heard her petrified wails, and the room went dark. Was I out of time?

A/N: What do you think is happening? Is Maggie okay? Will Xorn get the chance to rectify his mistake? I know it isn't a long chapter, but the next one should be. Sorry I am behind on updating. Have a lot going on atm. Hope you enjoy the chapter! 

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