❈ 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑭𝒊𝒗𝒆: 𝑩𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓

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The doorbell at Jeno's house rings, the dinging sound echoes through the quiet house as the boy's parents are currently out of town for work purposes.

Sluggishly, Jeno turns off the television with the remote control before standing up and weakly tosses it onto the couch.

Answering the door, he's immediately greeted by worried looks from his group of friends– with the absence of Jaemin.

"Hey." He mumbles as he steps aside, not hesitating to let them in before shutting the door close behind them afterwards.

No one really uttered a word, all sharing the same feeling; confused, shocked, angry.

But none of them shared a certain feeling Jeno's experiencing; betrayal.

"What happened?" A moment after, Mark was the first one to speak up, starting the conversation they've all been waiting and have came here for.

Donghyuck beside him nudges his side, but the elder boy doesn't mind him, too focused on Jeno's state.

The way the younger boy's shoulder tenses hearing the mention of the incident at school today, it doesn't miss Mark's eyes.

"I... Don't know..." Jeno cautiously answers as if what he'll say could hurt someone. But then he chuckles to himself, the sound full of sarcasm that makes his friends glance at each other.

"Who am I kidding? Of course I know," he said. "Except for the part where I was actually a damn fool for him." Adding a bite to his words.

Chenle purses his lips while Renjun who was beside Jeno, places a hand on the younger boy's forearm. "Do you mind telling us everything?"

Not paying a glance at the elder boy beside him, Jeno shrugs his shoulders. "Apparently we're not dating, never was." He answers.

He then hears his friends gasp, looking up at Mark when he exclaims, "what? How?!" Donghyuck rubbing his ear from the sudden volume of his voice near him.

Jeno looks at him with a bored and tired expression, but his eyes show more than those. He's obviously hurt, how can he not?

The boy he likes and thought he had a relationship with turns out to be nothing, well– for the other party that is.

Because if Jaemin had thought the same thing, reciprocate Jeno's feelings, Jeno wouldn't be here right now; lost.

"Honestly, it's all my fault." Jeno says with the calmest voice he can muster up with, low-key concerning his friends from how he's not screaming in anger right now.

"Hyung, don't say that." Jisung's gentle voice soothes him a bit, but at the same time, he thinks the younger boy shouldn't sympathize his stupidity.

"Oh, Sungie. It's true," sighing deeply, the raven haired boy leans back to the backrest of the couch, pulling his legs up to criss cross them.

"I'm in the wrong, because I was so deep into my feelings, thinking that Jaemin and I had something– romantic, when in fact, there wasn't anything there."

Bittersweet ❈ ∫ JaemJen【✔】Where stories live. Discover now