❈ 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑺𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏: 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔

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"How did your date go?" Jeno brings up, hiding how reluctant he was about it as he arranges the books on the shelves.

He was assigned to help with some things in the school library, being it arranging various of books; new ones, old ones, misplaced ones and those that have been carelessly left on the tables or on the carpeted floor.

A little while later entering the library, Jaemin came in and immediately accompanied him for no reason.

Although he wasn't assigned to help as well, he still has the heart to assist Jeno by handing him random books from the trolley or when he sees some elsewhere.

Leaning against the wall as they stop by the very back, Jaemin watches Jeno focusing on organizing the dislocated books on the shelves.

"Eh, it was okay I guess." He shrugs his shoulders in a calm matter, arms crossed.

Jeno stops for second to glance at him, raising a brow in curiosity before looking back at the messy shelf. "I guess? What's that supposed to mean?"

Jaemin hums, pondering in thought and soon comes up with an answer. "She wasn't really my type."

"You're making yourself sound like a player, Jaem." Jeno chuckles while shaking his head in amusement.

The elder boy smiles along, "you know I'm not, though." Unbothered by Jeno's joking words, despite sort of agreeing with it in some way.

Nodding off with a silly smile, Jeno mentally pats himself on the back for successfully hiding his true feelings and thoughts.

Jaemin hasn't been suspicious about him since two weeks ago, and Jeno isn't sure if that's really a good thing.

He can't lie, he feels disappointed and down that Jaemin, a person who has known him like the back of his hand (as he thought) for the past several years, is being clueless.

But he brushes the common thought of every now and then, especially when he's with the said elder boy and will tell himself to cry about it later or something.

Fortunately, he has the others who are there for him, being great friends and checking up on his state.

Although they ranted about wanting to have a talk with Jaemin countless of times, Jeno has (so far) managed to refrain them from doing so.

Renjun can't help but frown at him every time; Jeno doesn't want them to talk to Jaemin about the situation because he's ashamed.

Mark told him he doesn't have to be, and he has every right to feel upset at the elder boy.

But because Jeno's as stubborn as he's known to be, they can't really do anything about it.

Hesitant whether to give in to Jeno's pleads or go against it– for a good purpose.

"Thanks for accompanying me, Jaem." Jeno flashes a smile at him, "you didn't have to though, it was a very boring duty."

Rolling his eyes with his lips curling up, Jaemin meets Jeno's gaze and grins. "I always like accompanying you though, no matter how boring the place could be."

Reaching up to pinch Jeno's nose in a loving matter, he coos. "You make the situation better, baby."

Jeno flushes in instinct, there's no way to put a stop to it as it has now been a natural thing for him.

Curse his damn reaction, because now Jaemin won't stop grinning at him as he tightens the pinch on his nose.

It has Jeno whining, pulling away to rub the spot while glaring at the elder boy. "You need to stop doing that, it hurts." He mutters.

There's a voice suddenly telling him, "you know you meant his treatment towards you. Not just this."

"Tell him. Come on, tell him to stop being nice to lil lovestruck and friendzoned Lee Jeno."

"I can't help it, you're really cute." Jaemin's low yet loud voice snaps him out of his daze. "You need to stop that too, Jen."

Blinking furiously, Jeno realizes how close Jaemin was to his face, feeling the hot and minty breath from the elder boy fanning his skin.

Gulping, he looks away and attempts to cover his agitation with an awkward cough that turns out to be a fail too.

Jaemin of course notices, he always has that proud grin whenever he gets a reaction from Jeno.

"Let's just go home," the younger boy croaks while clearing his throat. Adjusting the backpack straps on his shoulders.

Jaemin softens his smile, placing a gentle hand on Jeno's lower back, guiding them to the exit as they go through the sea of people crowding the main hallway.

Stepping out of the doors, they both flinch at the sudden presence of Jisung, "hey, guys." His usual soft smile featured on his face.

"Have you been standing there for a long time?" Jeno asks with furrowed eyebrows, creasing his forehead as so.

Jisung's gaze fixes on him and he immediately widens his smile, "I waited for you guys for about fifteen minutes, no biggy." He shrugs his shoulders in nonchalance.

"No biggy?" Jeno parrots, "Jisungie, you should've went home by now, don't you have stuff to do?"

"Actually, I don't." Jisung chuckles at him, "we had free period and my phone died, so I kinda finished my work in advance."

"That's unlikely of you," Jaemin jokes about as Jisung averts his gaze from Jeno to the elder boy beside him.

Giggling, Jisung just drawls a hum. "Chenle invited me to play a match tonight, and I didn't want to be in a mess or something." He responds.

"Park Jisung's motivation, video games." Jaemin says with a slightly loud and manly tone; an imitation of a news reporter or professional's voice.

The other two boys giggle at his silliness as Jaemin quickly reaches out to ruffle Jisung's hair with his free hand.

"Can I walk with you guys?" Jisung asks in a soft and polite manner, eyes fixed back onto Jeno's.

The latter nods, "of course! We're not leaving you here after you waited for us for fifteen minutes." He states, looking at Jisung as if the younger boy was being ridiculous.

Jaemin nods along, gone back to calm and quiet now as Jisung confidently walks over to Jeno's other side, glancing at the hand placed firmly on his lower back.

Smiling, he grips on his backpack straps before they headed off. Making sure to pay attention to Jaemin's behavior as well as Jeno's reactions.

Bittersweet ❈ ∫ JaemJen【✔】Where stories live. Discover now