❈ 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏: 𝑯𝒊𝒕𝒔 𝑫𝒊𝒇𝒇𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒕

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"Do you guys wanna go to the arcade tomorrow?" Everyone in their table perks up at his question.

"Can't, I have to go on a small family road trip," Mark says apologetically, earning an understanding nod from Jisung.

"My uncle is visiting and will be staying over for the weekend," Donghyuck grunts, not really fond of that fact.

It's not that he hates his uncle, it is just simple bad timing for him to come over and having Donghyuck to stay home for obvious reasons.

Turning to Renjun, the latter smiles softly at him but before he could even let a word escape out of his mouth, Chenle beside him beats him to it.

"I can go!"

Renjun immediately glares at the younger boy, pinching his side that has him shrieking in pain, squirming on his seat. "No you can't, we have stuff to do for the club." He scolds.

Chenle whines in return, "but that's boring!" Gasping when Renjun continues his actions, starting to fight back as Mark laughs at his suffering.

Jisung rolls his eyes at them, leaving them alone to their own unpleasant little bubble. Now turning to look at the only two people left in their group, he raises a brow at them expectantly.

Jeno smiles kindly, and it's enough for Jisung to know the answer. The raven haired boy didn't need to say anything more, but he already did.

"Sure, I'm free tomorrow." Facing Jaemin afterwards, flashing him the same facial expression as Jisung's; expectant.

Jaemin shrugs his shoulders, "sorry, I can't go." Pursing his lips as the right corner of his lips curl up, feeling bad about it.

Both boys' faces fall at his answer, but Jeno's was the most visible as Jisung had already nodded off in understanding, brushing it off easily.

"Min," Jaemin sighs at the pout Jeno shows him, reaching a hand over to his thigh and caressing his thumb on it in circles.

The younger boy's breath hitches a little at the touch, although it was simple and expecting from Jaemin, it still affects him in a way Jaemin doesn't know.

Well, he doesn't truly know to that extent.

The butterflies in his stomach slowly start to wake up, fluttering their wings that makes Jeno squirm a bit on his seat.

It doesn't help how Jaemin inches closer, touch ever so gentle as he was staring at Jeno, gaze so earnest yet soft.

"Sorry baby, but I don't think I can really go with you guys tomorrow." He says without further more words than Jeno expected it to be.

He could only deepen his pout in return, the tone and the look Jaemin is giving him makes him want to just let the elder boy be.

There's a thought in him saying he should just leave it as it is, not pester his best friend even more about something so simple to the point it will just look ridiculous on his part.

Like last time, Jeno literally whined once he got home, realizing how he must've came off as immature and foolish, embarrassing him on end.

"Jeno hyung, if you don't want to go, then it's okay. I can wait till we're all free to hangout as a group," Jisung steps in, carefully approaching as so.

"That's very nice of you Sungie," Jeno averts his gaze away from Jaemin to meet Jisung's almost the same gentle eyes.

Sighing, he places a hand on top of Jisung's as he continues, "but it's okay, we can still hangout. Just us two, we'll have a great time and show them what they're missing out on."

What Jaemin's missing out on, for sure, is a guy like you, hyung. Jisung thinks to himself as he stares at Jeno's small smile.

He's happy to hear the elder boy slowly regain his positivity back and showing his cute little smile, although not wide that shows his pearly whites, it's still genuine.

Jaemin frowns behind Jeno's shoulder, "is that a shade towards me?" He exaggerates so visibly to make sure everyone knows he's just joking around.

Jeno rolls his eyes and smacks him on the stomach, "not my fault." He briefly replies, a hint of bitterness in his tone that gets a chuckle out of Jaemin.

"I'll make it up to you after, baby." He says, holding the hand Jeno used to smack him just a second ago.

The younger boy hums, his eyes meet Donghyuck's teasing ones, making him nervous at what the tanned male is up to, possibly say something they've low-key agreed not to.

Thankfully, Mark caught them and nudges the tanned male beside him, clicking his tongue as a warning that has Donghyuck huffing in annoyance.

They're not too sure on who he's actually annoyed at– it could be Mark, but there's a higher chance it's the boy beside Jeno who's holding his hand gently.

And it then gets even more obvious when Jaemin presses his lips on Jeno's knuckles. Oblivious to the results of his actions, especially towards the blushing boy.

Jisung has a small smile on his face, but his stomach is churning with jealousy that makes him sick. However, he doesn't dare to show it.

Just yet.

"Quit flirting with him, Jaemin. Spare Jeno's poor cute face from turning as red as this ketchup," Renjun comments from across the table.

The thing is, his comment will be nothing to Jaemin. It sounds normal due to them already growing with the teasing antics towards him and Jeno.

But Donghyuck's unspoken words hits different, it's just straight up facts and if Jaemin's reaction is nothing but confusion, I guess you already have an idea.

Hint; Donghyuck will knock some sense into him.

Although it would be best for him to do so for the sake of this friendship and one-sided romantic feelings, Jeno has clearly and sternly told him not to.

Reason? It's obvious, he's scared.

So everyone chuckles at Renjun's "normal" comment, Jaemin smirking along. "But he's cute when he's blushing."

"Dear Lord, Jaem, Jeno's about to pass out or something." Mark cackles at Jeno who could only glare back.

Jaemin snickers, kissing Jeno's temple whilst Jisung bites his tongue, watching them intently.

To his luck, Chenle kind of broke the tension with his complaints, "it's all Renjun hyung's fault! Stupid club, now I can't join them!"

Don't tell the others, but Jisung has a small giddy feeling now that Chenle has mentioned it.

Just him and Jeno tomorrow.

Bittersweet ❈ ∫ JaemJen【✔】Where stories live. Discover now