❈ 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑺𝒊𝒙: 𝑨𝒍𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕

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"Two minutes, not bad." Jaemin comments with the usual teasing grin on his face, immediately draping an arm around Jeno's shoulders once the latter closes the door.

Although from what happened yesterday, and the pain is still there bringing down his mood; Jeno still manages to cover it up with a roll of his eyes.

Weakly jabbing his best friend on the side by his elbow, he snorts. "I'm currently home alone for two days because my parents have some work out of town, had to cook food for myself." He reasons.

Jaemin turns to him with furrowed eyebrows, the concern visible in his eyes, yet Jeno looks away instead of staring back at him like he normally would.

"You should've told me, then I would've stayed with you or something." He said, the tone similar to a scolding kind.

Jeno shrugs his shoulders, having mixed feelings with Jaemin's arm still around him; not budging a bit.

"It's fine, I didn't want to bother you."

"Jen, baby, you never bother me." Jeno quietly swallows dryly when he hears the pet name.

Jaemin doesn't notice that, but instead notices something else that elicits a coo from him. "Awe, you're blushing." Pinching Jeno's squishy cheek with his free hand.

The affection only makes Jeno blush even more, inwardly cussing to himself to stop and should resist.

The rest of their journey to school was filled with the usual random conversations while Jaemin pampers a quietly sulking Jeno.

Not forgetting to guide them carefully and waving goodbye to the younger boy by his locker, promising to meet him around the school at any point.

"Hey, Jen." Jaemin calls for the boy beside him as he looks away from the book he was scanning, not really paying attention.

"Hm?" The younger boy doesn't look up, but Jaemin knows he's listening and will turn away from the book in front of him in a second.

"What were you talking about yesterday?" Jaemin doesn't see it, but Jeno's eyes widen for a millisecond with his fingertips squeezing the pencil.

Blinking furiously, Jeno manages to reply, "oh, it was nothing." Smiling with so much force that his cheeks are slowly starting to hurt.

Jaemin raises a brow, and that makes Jeno feel like he's starting to sweat. "Are you sure? You looked pretty serious when you said you li–"

"Donghyuck!" Jeno interrupts, quickly looking around to see some heads turning at them; annoyed and confused.

Clearing his throat he looks back at Jaemin and chuckles awkwardly, "he... It was a dare he forced me to do." Slightly starting to regret his words.

However, he tells himself he'll deal with that small problem later. Because right now, he has to convince Jaemin that everything is alright.

To his luck, the elder boy hums and nods his head. But to think Jeno's crisis was over, Jaemin reaches a hand to caress Jeno's head, and God does it feel so soothing.

"He shouldn't have done that though if you were uncomfortable," he said in concern, "I'll have a talk with him later at lunch."

"No!" Jeno shrieks, and then shrinks to his seat with his shoulders slumped when he gets another few looks from their classmates.

Thank goodness their teacher had to get something at the teacher's lounge for a moment, leaving the class to read a few pages so they have something to do in the meantime.

"It– it was nothing, really," he said, gulping at the weird look Jaemin's giving him. "He apologized, don't worry, I forgave him too."

Jaemin scans him, squinting his eyes in suspicion of Jeno's behavior. But another luck for the latter, his best friend's weird senses or radar, is a bit off today.

"Hmm, if you say so." The elder boy hums before adjusting himself on his seat, his left arm resting on his desk while he's still caressing Jeno's hair with his right hand.

"But let me know if he's bothering you again, baby. I can't let that happen to you," he smiles all while. Words genuine and sweet as honey.

Before what happened yesterday, Jeno would feel like he's on cloud nine, whining back at Jaemin for his cheesy yet romantic antics.

But now, Jeno could only nod in reply. To add to his cover up and make sure Jaemin isn't suspicious of him whatsoever; he leans in to the touch like a cat getting caressed by its owner.

Seeing the younger boy quietly read his book again; since it's practically their assignment before their teacher comes back. Jaemin sweetly smiles and doesn't even bother doing the same given activity.

"I can't believe you would do that to my poor baby, hyuck." The said tanned male looks up in confusion when he hears his name mentioned.

"What?" The others glance at Jaemin too, also confused on what the boy was talking about all of a sudden while Jeno beside him tenses.

"The silly dare?" Jaemin said with a tone, as if reminding Donghyuck about the obvious. "You dared him yesterday, he was uncomfortable."

"What the f–" before Donghyuck could hiss in reply, offended by the sudden accusation– although, it does sound like something he definitely would do, he didn't do shit to Jeno yesterday.

Renjun nudges him on the leg with his foot while busy drinking his can of soda to make it seem like nothing happened.

When Donghyuck glares at him, he catches Chenle and Mark pointing at the nervous Jeno with their eyes. Not to mention Jisung coughing ever so nonchalantly.

Finally he gets it. Meeting Jeno's anxious eyes while the boy purses his lips, Donghyuck lets out a snicker; it sounded so believable and natural too, Jaemin doesn't suspect a thing.

"I apologized, man. I should've listened to Renjun when he said Jeno doesn't have to do it." He calmly lies through his teeth.

Hearing his name getting dragged in, Renjun grunts beside him but sighs nonetheless. "You're stupid." He mutters, loud enough for everyone in their table to hear.

It wasn't specifically aimed at someone, but to Jaemin's obliviousness today, he thought it meant for Donghyuck; hence he chuckles in amusement.

The others glance at each other, Jeno quick to follow Jaemin by giggling. And soon enough, their friends laugh along too.

Jisung turns his head to Jeno, sending him a certain look that makes the elder boy soften a bit. But they both kept quiet, knowing to talk about this later when Jaemin isn't around.

Bittersweet ❈ ∫ JaemJen【✔】Where stories live. Discover now