❈ 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑬𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏: 𝑩𝒚 𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝑺𝒊𝒅𝒆

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"Jeno-yah!" Mark jogs up to the younger boy who just in time turned around when he heard his name being called.

"Yeah?" Jeno smiles up at the elder boy whilst taking out one side of his earphones.

"We're having a group study later, are you coming with?" He ponders in thought, recalling if he has anything other important things to do.

Shaking his head when he remembers his schedule is currently clean for the day, Mark smiles back. "We're going to Chenle's place, he insisted."

Getting a nod from Jeno, Mark was about to turn around and head off to the bathroom but stops on his tracks, "oh right," he mumbles to himself.

"Ask Jaemin for us by the way if he wants to join as well, if he's free of course." He said.

"Uh sure, but why can't you ask him?" Jeno raises a brow at the elder boy.

Mark rolls his eyes as a tired sigh escapes his lips, Jeno looks at him in pity, sort of knowing what's on Mark's mind.

"Haven't seen him much, as usual." There it is. "It doesn't help that I'm a grade above you guys too, I mostly see him at the field or helping us with clubs and tasks. But you know nowadays."

"Alright, I understand. I'll go see if I know where he is or luckily bump into him," Jeno says so Mark doesn't have to start ranting about Jaemin's lack of presence now again.

Mark smiles tiredly, reaching a hand over to pat Jeno's shoulder gently, "thanks, Jen. I owe you." He said.

"You don't have to owe me anything, Mark hyung. It's the least I could do." Jeno giggles to lighten up the atmosphere around them.

The elder boy chuckles back, it has Jeno feeling a sense of proudness to himself for successfully making Mark relieved.

"I'll see you later..." Mark pauses alongside with his hand up in the air to wave goodbye, "and hopefully Jaemin by your side too."

Jeno could only smile and wave back, quietly sighing as he heard Mark's last words.

"I'll always be by your side, Jen." Funny. Very ironic now that is has Jeno smiling to himself bitterly.

"Yeah... Where are you nowadays, Jaem?" Shaking his head before walking off to the other direction.

Jeno clicks his tongue, groaning in annoyance as he stops walking. Now standing by the door to the music room as he takes out his phone.

Fucking hell, Na Jaemin. Where the hell are you?

"Looking for someone?" Jeno shrieks and almost drops his phone if it weren't for the other person's fast reflexes.

Sighing in relief, that sense of calmness immediately goes back to annoyance as Jeno glares at the person. "You!"


"Yes, you!"

"What about me? Oh wait– oh! You were looking for me." The person cackles to himself, finding this situation hilarious.

But Jeno is too annoyed right now to play along with the person's games. "I've been looking everywhere for you!"

"Everywhere?" The elder boy smirks teasingly as he drawls.

"Err, okay no– but the point is I couldn't find you, Jaeminie!" Jeno stammers, whining at the end with an instinctive pouty lips on his face.

Jaemin snorts before reaching his hand over Jeno's head to ruffle his hair in an affectionate manner, "sorry, thought you wanted to play hide and seek." He jokes about in the end.

Jeno grits his teeth as he scoffs, swatting the hand away in reluctance. "Mark hyung said there's a group study at Chenle's place today, are you going?" He brings up, impatiently so.

Jaemin thinks for a moment before frowning, "ah, sorry, Jen. But I can't."

"Again?" Doe eyes staring at him intently to which Jaemin already knows the younger boy is trying to persuade him to change his mind.


"What's the reason this time?" There's a hint of bitterness in Jeno's voice, he hopes Jaemin didn't notice it afterwards.

"I have a date."

It was like the whole world stopped for Jeno, from the most shocking and worse reason he's ever heard.

It wouldn't have been a big deal...

If he was a hundred percent over Jaemin and there wasn't this whole one-sided love thing going on between them to which Jaemin thought he was joking when he got it all mixed up.

But unfortunately for him, that is not the case. Because that is their situation. So it is a big deal for him, personally.

He hears and feels his heart ache, probably from a supposed crack, but he's too lost in his thoughts that he gasps when Jaemin shakes him by the shoulders.



"You good?" Jaemin looks at him, eyes full of worry. "You look kind of pale..."

"Oh, yeah, I'm g-good." Jeno chuckles nervously as he stammers on his answer. "J-just, a little shocked..?" Sounding more like a question than anything.

Yeah no shit, a little? You're not fooling anyone other than Jaemin, Jeno.

But he fooled you too, so it's supposed to be fair.

"W-with whom?" He manages to ask but still stammering.

"You know Xiaojun, right?"

"What?" Jeno blinks once with a scrunched up face.

"Xiaojun. That guy who helped us out a few weeks ago in the laboratory." Jaemin smiles as he recalls the said event.

"The guy that..." Jeno trails off and furrows his eyebrows.

The guy Hendery hyung likes? He thought to himself, getting confused. Does he not like Hendery hyung back? What happened to Felix? I thought...

"I'm really sorry I can't join you guys today, but maybe tomorrow? If the others are available!" Jaemin suggests to lighten up the mood.

Jeno snaps out of his daze and smiles crookedly, "yeah... I'll go tell the others so they wouldn't have to bombard you with calls and messages."

Jaemin grins, pinching Jeno's cheek this time before leaning in to kiss his forehead. "Thanks, baby! I owe you!"

Jeno who was basically frozen in place feels his breath hitched in his suddenly dry throat, gulping audibly before muttering out, "e-enjoy your date."

To which Jaemin thanks him in return and winks at him with his charming smile.

Bittersweet ❈ ∫ JaemJen【✔】Where stories live. Discover now