Problems need solution

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While hiding under the dark gray blanket that was usually his safe space whenever he felt uncomfortable, sad, anxious or depressed, he heard a loud knocking on his door.

"Jimin, I'm coming inside!"

His brother Seokjin yelled from the outside, announcing his entrance, not wanting for his little brother to feel more anxious and mad than he was already feeling.

"I don't want to talk to you!" Jimin yelled while still hiding under his blanket, nonetheless his brother came in and took a few steps closer to where Jimin was covered.

"Jimin, you need to stop doing that." Jin said with a firm voice, but Jimin only scoffed.

"Seriously. You can't just come inside my room when you know Namjoon is here without knocking. That's just rude."

Jimin finally pushed the blanket off of his face.

"Oh really? I can't come in! What if there was an emergency? What if I set something on fire? What if someone died?" Jimin said while exaggerating words fire and died.

"I don't care about any of that cause we were in the middle of something Jimin!!!" Jin yelled, which made Jimin cover his head again.

"You weren't in the middle of anything important." he said under the covers, his voice was muffled, but Jin heard him perfectly.

"You came inside while we were having sex Jimin!" Jin yelled again.

"Exactly. Nothing important." Jimin answered and felt the blanket being tugged off of his face.

That's weird. His brother usually never does that. Jin knows how delicate and fragile Jimin is, and how every little thing could trigger his deepest fears, panic attacks, anxiety, but he was obviously pissed off.

"Jimin, you can't act like a three year old kid. You can't decide what's important and what's not when it comes to me and my life."

Jimin tried to push the blanket up over his head again, but Jin wouldn't let him.

"I thought that I'm the most important thing in your life."

Jin rolled his eyes.

"Of course you are. Jimin, you're my little brother and I'll always take care of you,but you need to know that some things are not acceptable even for you."

Jimin pouted.

"I did nothing wrong." he said a bit quietly, knowing damn well that he did.

"Jimin, you stormed in my room without knocking to complain about the bread crust being cut off the wrong way from your sandwich and you clearly saw me and Namjoon being in the middle of... You know... so how come any of that doesn't sound wrong to you!" Jin yelled with anger in his eyes.

"Well if he would finally learn how to do it properly then we wouldn't have this argument all over again." Jimin crossed his arms on top of his chest, obviously getting irritated too.

"Really Jimin? Is there really a wrong way to cut a sandwich into circular shape? Or you're just being mean to Namjoon for some other reason?" Jin's voice became a lot softer and sad.

"Well if you cut it into an oval shape that clearly isn't a circle. You obviously didn't taught him well."

To everyone Jimin would look bratty with this kind of outbursts, but his brother knew it better.

Jimin was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome at the age of eight, and ever since then he's been fighting with all kinds of difficulties in life that came along with the syndrome.

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