The Epilogue

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While hiding under his gray blanket, Jimin finally heard footsteps coming closer to him in the bedroom.

"Baby, hey... Jiminah, I'm here..." Jungkook sat down on the bed and tried to uncover Jimin from under the blanket slowly.

The older only let him reveal the top of his head and eyes, hiding the rest of his face skilfully.

"Are you ok? What happened? Everything seemed fine this time... You really scared me there for a moment..." Jungkook caressed Jimin's hair softly, letting the older calm down before speaking further.

"I just... I hit my boss and then I got fired." Jimin spilled the truth so Jungkook made the most shocking facial expression, sitting just a tiny bit further away from the older, looking at him surprised.

"Jimin... Come on... You can't do that baby..." Jungkook crossed his arms on top of his chest, visibly becoming upset so Jimin put the blanket further down, revealing his whole face, his puffy eyes, red nose, lips hardly bitten... it was obvious he was crying.

Jungkook came back again, and put his hands on Jimin's face.

"Babe, we've talked about this so many times. If you don't like any of the work offers you've got, you can always ask to go back to the library. I'm sure they would take you back in a heartbeat. You're the most hard working and honest person and I'm sure everyone would be happy to have you with them...well, except the people that you hit, throw food at, spill water all over them... (all of those were Jimin's incidents at new jobs and once again, he got fired).

"Well it's not my fault that Mr. Jackson didn't want to order food in a circular shape for me. Is it so hard to respect your employee enough to order everything round and nicely stored for me? Is it?" Jimin asked while remembering the torture he had to go through in one of the best IT companies that had offered him a crazy amount of money the moment he finished college with the highest grades, but unfortunately, Jimin quit the job in only a week, complaining about his boss not being caring enough for his needs and his delicate soul.

Jungkook just took a deep breath.

"What about that IT position at Hyundai that was also an amazingly well paid job?" Jungkook asked while cocking one eyebrow at the older.

"What do you mean, what about it? Jungkookah, they asked me to project some new logos and they wanted a triangle shaped logo... Me? A triangle shaped logo? That's just absurd. And when I complained about it, they just mocked my insecurities and insulted me with their new plan." Jimin put his legs up, now resting his chin on top of his knees, looking even smaller than before.

"They asked you if you wanted to work with tires since they're in circular shape Jiminah, they weren't mocking you, they were trying to find a new assignment for you, but you took a whole glass filled with water and splashed it into the poor guy's face."

It was true. Jimin did that.

"But... They were mocking me... I know now. Before, I wouldn't get the double meaning or the sarcastic jokes, but you taught me well and I know that they were being rude to me. I just know it." Jimin kept finding excuses every time he would quit a new job and it was obvious Jungkook had enough of it.

"Babe, all I'm saying is...we need the money. Our apartment and life in general are expensive and I don't want to be in a situation where I can't provide everything you want and need. You don't have to work as an IT manager. Seriously baby, you can do something that's more to your likings, it's fine. We can have my salary and use it on apartment rent and food, and then we can save yours for our future plans. And not to mention how having a job and being busy is always a good thing in keeping you organized and your thoughts occupied so that you don't think about things that are not important and are only making you anxious." Jungkook took Jimin's hand in his and caressed it softly, always being the one to calm his boyfriend down the best way he could.

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