Soulmate and boyfriend

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While entering the usual practice room where he had two classes already, Jimin got confused cause no one was inside.

What the....

"Where is everyone?" he asked Jungkook who was sitting there, waiting for the older to arrive.

"They're in the main practice room waiting for you. When Hoseok saw how many people had arrived to your last class he had to put you and the students in a bigger practice room. Come with me. I'll show you."

Jimin followed the younger and in a few minutes he was standing in the full, main practice room where usually Hoseok had his classes. Filled with at least thirty new people, Jimin looked at Jungkook after taking a deep breath.

"You can do this. You're amazing. People talked about you, they even posted some videos of your choreography, some posted some hidden pictures of you so everyone wanted to see the new hot teacher and I'm gonna act as if that doesn't bother me at all.. "

Jimin smiled.

"You're so funny." He made one step forward, then came back again.

"I can do this. Right? "

Jungkook nodded.

"Of course you can."

"There's so many people and this place is so huge, no one's gonna hear me and I can't yell..."

Jimin obviously had his concerns.

"There's an in-ear mic for that. With the headset you're gonna wear everyone will hear you clearly."

Jimin's face lit up.

"Oh... That's cool. Ok... I got this. Thank you."

Jungkook waved him off and went to sit next to Hoseok who also came to see the final class.

The moment Jimin saw the headset, he realized that he couldn't put all those wires behind his back alone...


Well there was only one person he could trust with this.


The younger came immediately, looking at Jimin concerned.


"Could you help me with this... I can't put the wires behind my back, and I don't want anyone else..."

"Of course." Jungkook took the microphone and the wires with shaky hands and after taking a deep breath he looked at Jimin.

"I'll try not to touch you, I'll really try, but please don't bite my finger off if I accidentally caress your skin cause I need my fingers and they're really nice and long...."

Jimin burst out laughing.

"God, Jungkook... You're so weird. Just do it. I would never hurt you. I trust you."

So the older carefully positioned the headset with Jimin's help easily. First the older put the microphone in his ear, and then Jungkook moved his shirt away from his skin and pushed the wires down, not touching the younger at all, and at the end, he put the little battery box on Jimin's waistband, admiring the sight of the older's ass in front of him.

"There. All done. You're ready, hyung."

Jimin thanked him with the warmest smile and finally did what he was supposed to.

He nailed yet another class and he was so happy and proud to see the same, familiar faces that came to his first classes and a lot of new ones.

He changed the routine a bit in the last moment cause he figured how not everyone could do all the difficult turns and aerials, and he really wanted his students to feel like they had succeeded in mastering the whole choreography.

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