First time...

417 28 1

"Please don't kick me, I'm only staring at you as a normal creep."

Jimin heard the younger while he was waking up, stretching his body so he smiled even before opening his eyes.

"Good morning to you too." he said with a sleepy voice, trying to open his eyes and to adjust to the brightness in the room.

"Oh, you're in a good mood. That's great. I thought you're gonna push me off the bed like last time." Jungkook was positioned on his right side, looking at Jimin, his hands under his head.

"I only did that cause I freaked out. I could never hurt you... Intentionally..." Jimin blushed while saying that last word quietly, loving the big grin on Jungkook's face.

"I know and I feel pretty safe around you." Jungkook winked at the older so he pinched his arm with just a little force.


"That's cause you tease me all the time." Jimin said with a little pout.

"I want to kiss you good morning." Jungkook looked at those plump lips.

"Oh... Ok... So..." Jimin really hated the thought of that morning breath and taste in their mouth...

"Let's go." Jungkook jumped up, revealing his hot muscle while only wearing boxer briefs, so Jimin stared up and down like a lunatic.

"Where?" he got up too, looking like a sack of bones in that oversized shirt.

"To brush our teeth. I said I want to kiss you. Let's go." Jungkook said enthusiastically and it's like his mood was contagious, Jimin felt excited too.


After Jungkook covered that handsome body of his, they walked outside and went to brush their teeth. The whole time they were glancing at each other in the mirror, smiling shyly, well only Jimin smiled shyly, Jungkook was cocking his eyebrows at the older, licking the toothbrush teasingly, then making a mess all around his mouth with that toothpaste foam, then licking it all clean teasingly. Jimin just shook his head at his childish behavior.

"You're insane." Jimin laughed while they were entering the living room, looking all goofy and playful.

Then he saw his boyfriend putting his hands behind his back, looking a little less playful and a lot more fond.

"Now, give me my morning kisses." Jungkook said while sitting on the couch, hands always behind his back.

Jimin bit on his lower lip and came closer, thinking what would be the most comfortable way for him to sit, and enjoy his morning kisses.

He straddled the younger's lap and leaned down, craving those lips, wanting nothing more than to feel the softness of Jungkook's tongue on his, wetness of their two lips colliding...

Jimin put his hands on the younger's cheeks, bringing their faces even closer, moving in sync with every Jungkook's push, lick, bite...

Seemed like they forgot what time is, what they had to do today, that there is life outside these walls and that there are responsibilities other than them kissing in the middle of the room, so while still being in their little kissable bubble, they got startled by footsteps coming inside.

"Wow! I will never get used to seeing this. Never!" Jin said while walking next to them, making Jimin jump off the younger's lap, blushing hot pink.

"Good morning hyung." Jungkook greeted him while Jimin was cracking his knuckles nervously.

"What are you doing here this early?" Jimin asked while following his brother into the kitchen.

"Well since it's Saturday and I have to go to work, I thought about how I would grab a quick shower and dress in something clean, and I didn't have anything of mine at Namjoons so..."

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