Another first

447 31 7

Weeks have passed and some things have stayed the same.

Jungkook and Jimin were hanging out as much as their busy schedule would let them, and somehow Jimin always wanted more.

They haven't really had some proper date since that whole 'first date' thing cause Jungkook was busy with exams and some work thing (he did some Art projects for Yoongi) and Jimin had a play coming up so he had been working really hard at a dance studio and he's been trying to study more, and do good at the library. Somehow he couldn't do it all, and he felt like he was a bit lacking these past few weeks. Jungkook was always there on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, bringing Jimin candies and some snacks on his lunch break which they never ate cause they were always busy kissing and talking and just enjoying each other's company.

"So how about this, next Friday, you won't have your dance lesson cause you're finally getting over with that contemporary choreography so we could plan a proper date. What do you say?"

Jungkook finally had a plan and Jimin was actually excited to plan something other than hanging out on his break at the library.

" Ok. We could do that. Is there something you would like to do?" Jimin asked while trying to split that Oreo cookie in half.


Jimin broke the cookie.

"Aish, what even..." Jimin got flustered like he always does when Jungkook serves him such a perverted answer which was all the time. It's like Jungkook had a perv-dar and his brain was just waiting for a new occasion to attack.

"You asked so..."

"You know what I meant."

"I know but this is more fun. Have I ever told you how pretty you look when you're blushing?"

Jimin blushed.

"I think my break is over..."

"I don't think so. There's at least ten more minutes of me trying to make you blush as much as I can."

"Stop doing that. I get nervous..." Jimin said while trying to wipe some of the white cream filling from the Oreo cookie he had just smashed in his hand.

"But those are the good nerves."

"There is no such a thing. Nerves are nerves and I don't like to feel that way." Jimin pouted so Jungkook leaned fast and kissed his lips with a loud smack.

"Hey, no kissing when we're eating. That's gross." Jimin whined, wiping his lips with tissue.

"Couldn't help it. You got a little bit of cookie on your upper lip. Can I lick it off you?"

Jimin looked at him as he would look at someone who was stealing his candies and he hated sharing.

"Got it. You won't let me lick you."

"You're the worst."

The fact is, Jimin got flustered by all those shameless comments and he got interested in what the younger was talking about.

One day Jungkook would say how he loved how plump Jimin's lips are and how he hopes the older has a deep throat like he does, and Jimin just frowned at his comment, not knowing what's exactly the thing Jungkook had implied. He did have his doubts.

Other day when Jimin got hurt at dance class and needed to stretch out a bit cause his legs were hurting from all the dancing, Jungkook was right there, staring at the older, drooling like a maniac cause wow, Jimin could do a real split.

"I think I could rip my pants like this, but I need to stretch or else I won't be able to walk tomorrow." Jimin whined as he was spreading his legs wide, pushing his upper body forward.

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