The hormones

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After their amazing trip Jimin felt really good. He felt like a lot of new things became an option for him and he couldn't wait to try all those things out with Jungkook. He loved how their relationship was progressing, but mostly he loved the way he was feeling these days. So calm and at peace, free, fulfilled, happy and horny all the time.

Not that he wanted to feel that way, but he just couldn't help it. Jungkook was always on his mind and that man... That gorgeous, handsome, sexy man with those innocent eyes and hot body and dick that somehow stopped being a taboo in Jimin's fantasies was just too much to take.

One day Jimin had woken up in the middle of the night and his dick was so painfully hard he had no idea what was happening, until a few fragments of his dream started popping up in his mind and he knew.... Jungkook, kissing, touching, grinding... it was one of those dreams, but he still couldn't find the strength in him to jerk off cause well, he thought how it wouldn't feel as good as when he's with Jungkook so he just fell back to sleep with the bulge in his pyjamas and uneasy mind.

Luckily he had a lot of things on his mind, other than his hot boyfriend, so he tried to focus on working on a new choreography for the upcoming teaching classes that he had accepted at Hoseok's studio, and as much as he loved the choreography that he had come up with, he felt a bit anxious if Hoseok would like it and approve of it.

"So what do you think?" he asked while being short on breath, panting fast after finally doing the whole routine in front of Hoseok in Jungkook's spacious room.

"I think it's beautiful Jimin. Really really outstanding and delicate." Hoseok said in awe, obviously feeling overwhelmed to see Jimin dancing for the first time.

"Thank you, I had my doubts..." Jimin looked around the room, trying to find a place to sit, but there was none, so he just sat down on the floor.

Jungkook's room was...well...interesting to say the least since he had a Murphy wall bed that was always hidden, only a big open space with a big closet, working desk and huge mirror on the opposite wall. Everything was neat, clean and open. Jimin liked his room a lot and most of all he loved the smell cause it reminded him of Jungkook.

"Doubts about what?" Hoseok asked while joining Jimin on the floor.

"Since the choreography is pretty slow, but still has a lot of turns and ballet moves, I don't know if it would be suitable for beginners." Jimin thought about it for days. He really gave his heart and soul into this.

"How about you just simplify the choreography for beginners. The moves that you think are too hard, you can always replace with some easier ones. Wanna try now?" Hoseok asked while getting up, always ready to help.

"Um... We could. That's a great idea, I just don't know if Jungkook would mind since we were almost two hours here and he might need to do some of his assignments or something..." Jimin said while grabbing a towel, wiping off the sweat from his neck.

"I'll ask him real quick." Hoseok just opened the door wide and started yelling.

"Kookah, can we use your room for another half an hour? We're almost done."

"Sure thing. I'm working on my essay anyways." Jungkook yelled back from the living room where he was working on his laptop on some Uni essay that needed to be done in a few days.

"Let's do this." Hosek said enthusiastically so Jimin got up and played the music while turning his body to face the mirrors so that he could watch the routine and notice the details better.

They danced and danced and worked really hard until both of their legs felt numb, body sore, faces sweaty, so while laying on the floor, heavy breaths only audible in the room, Jimin found the strength to speak.

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