The date

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How did Jimin's week go?


He did all the same things as he would usually do, but his mind was always somewhere else.

He went to Uni as always and instead of paying attention to his professor's lecture, he thought about what he should wear on Friday for his mystery date with Jungkook... Weird.

While having his lunch with Tae, (Jin still couldn't find the strength in him to make him some sandwiches like he usually would) he would eat what Tae had brought him, but every now and then he would go and buy Oreo's and try to eat it by dividing them into perfect circles without that white cream on it. It was impossible. At this point, he started to think that Jungkook was a wizard for pulling that off at the cinema, or he had just licked the cookie clean before handing it to Jimin. But the cookie wasn't even wet...

And on his working days at the library, he never felt better cause the shelves were so perfectly organized, cleaned and the books were stored neatly, and there wasn't that one book sticking out, hurting his eyes just by looking at it standing so sadly, there in the corner, slightly discolored and a lot annoying... He knew that the book was at Jungkook's place, somewhere in his bedroom probably... The bedroom he didn't see when he was at the younger's place. I wonder if everything inside is as clean and organized as in the living room and kitchen...




The younger was somehow always on his mind unintentionally, and Jimin had no problems with that. On contrary, he liked that he had something else to think about rather than his germaphobia or panic attacks or useless anxiety disorder or something stupid as why did that cat cross my path? Or I haven't touched every block on the ground while entering the store type of shit..

His mind was more like, I wander if I would look good as a redhead like Hobishi... Or when he was having his dance practice, he would do a new routine and immediately think if the choreography would be hard for the younger students that Hoseok had mentioned from his dance studio...

Every day it was something else and his best friend had noticed some change.

"Do you think my clothes are boring?"
The question Kim Taehyung never thought he would hear from his usually unbothered best friend, so it was only natural for him to stop the fork that was about to go into his mouth in the middle of the air so that he could look surprised and shocked at Jimin.


Jimin thought Tae looked funny.

"You did not just ask me if I think your clothes are boring."

"I did."

Tae put the fork down, the bite of his salad long forgotten.

"Why are you asking?"

"Why aren't you answering me?"

"Cause you know exactly how painful it is for me to look at that gorgeous face and amazing body being wrapped only in white and black shirts that look fucking the same!" Tae raised his voice at the end of the sentence so Jimin glanced around. They were eating their lunch in their Uni's cafeteria and luckily it wasn't too crowded.

"Can you not yell without any reason?" Jimin whispered.

"Without any reason? What's going on. Talk."

Tae was smart.

"It's just that Jin had said how I look boring, my clothes to be exact, and I'm gonna meet with Jungkook tonight and he hadn't told me where we are going so I don't know what I should wear."

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