Bad Memories and a Smoking Bomb

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Chapter 5

"What did you do to them?" Tsuna said with his eyes narrowed accusingly.

Reborn blinked innocently and answered in a cutesy voice, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"The reserves for the volleyball team couldn't have all gotten stomach flus coincidentally." Tsuna frowned as he changed out of his workout clothes and into his uniform. Reborn hopped onto his fluffy mass of hair and settled down, "It's not my fault they all ordered pizza from the same place."

"You know, you're lucky Yuki-chan leaves early for the committee. While I'm fine with playing, she has to deal with the absences now that she works under... Hibari-san." Tsuna's eyes darkened as he muttered lowly, "That demonic bastard."

Tsuna would never understand why Tsuyuki chose to join the accursed Disciplinary Committee. The demon was the one who dislocated her shoulder without a legitimate reason! They were out going to get ice cream when he came flying out of nowhere, demanding a fight. Tsuna swears that there's something wrong with the Demon of Namimori.

Shaking his head, Tsuna said goodbye to his mother and jogged off towards school. Along the way, Takeshi joined him and they slowed to a walk when they were a block away. When they reached the school, Tsuna was surprised that Tsuyuki wasn't there to greet them.

Before they could try and go find her, they were held up by Kyoko who started up a conversation. While Tsuna was eternally happy that his very obvious crush was talking to him, he was a bit annoyed that she stopped him from finding Tsuyuki. Who cares about the new student, Tsuna hadn't seen his own twin at all today!

Unfortunately, the bell chose that moment to ring and the two boys were forced to go to class. What made it worse was that Tsuyuki wasn't in the classroom. Tsuna was starting to get anxious and the only thing stopping him from running out of class right then and there was Takeshi's calming smile.

Then the transfer student was introduced and Tsuna did everything in his power not to yell at the silver haired boy. Was the guy trying to get beat up by the Disciplinary Committee?

But Tsuna didn't have to do anything because at that moment, his sister entered the classroom with her ever present blank expression. She took one look at him before the entire class was forced to watch her violently drag him back out of the classroom by the collar kicking and screaming.

While his classmates were worrying about the transfer student, Tsuna was preoccupied with the weight that had lifted from his heart. His sister was completely fine and was probably held up by the committee. There was no need for him to have worried.

Tsuna could only smile in contentment as Tsuyuki pulled the new student into the classroom once again, this time with the appropriate school attire and a notable lack of excessive bracelets.

Once the green eyed transfer student was given the chance to gruffly introduce himself, Tsuyuki unashamedly marched him to his desk. Without really changing her expression, Tsuyuki gave Gokudera a warning look before sitting at her place in front of Tsuna. He wondered about what she could've said the the student for him to scowl at her with an evil glare.

Any thoughts on the new student, however, was quickly pushed away when class started. Tsuna vigilantly took notes as his teachers lectured on. Before he knew it, classes were over and it was time for the volleyball tournament. Tsuna couldn't help but get excited. It'd been a long while since he participated in any school tournaments.

Takeshi seemed to share his excitement as the both of them walked over to a group of boys, most of them being members of the team. The group spent the rest of the time before the match strategizing. Tsuna could feel a smirk forming on his face as everything came together.

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