Blood, Blood, Stupid Mafiosi, and Even More Blood

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Chapter 7

She was floating.

"Tsk, tsk..."

She couldn't see anything. Her vision was painted pitch black.

"I didn't expect your life to be so boring."

Was she back in the Void?

"No matter. I have struck a deal with a being of the Ether. You are no longer mine."

The voice. It was familiar... but from where?

"As a parting gift, I leave you a part of my essence to replace the part of your soul I have taken."

Who was it? I knew this voice...

"I'm sure the Stone Guardian will find you of some use."

Who was the Stone Guardian? What was going on?

"May his curse be ever painful... haha... hahaHA-"

Tsuyuki woke up with a start, her heart pounding for a reason she could not remember. Frowning, she pulled herself out of bed and walked to her wardrobe. The sun had barely risen and everyone was still fast asleep. Tsuyuki sighed. She couldn't go back to sleep.

Walking into the bathroom to take a cold shower, Tsuyuki turned to the mirror and stared at her reflection. Cold blue eyes stared back at her, emotions lacking from within the irises. The facial expression was neutral, not a smile, but not a frown either. Blonde hair cascaded down the shoulders like little waterfalls, pooling down onto the sink ledge.

The girl in the mirror had a face of indifference. It scared Tsuyuki sometimes. She was like a lifeless doll. Just an outer shell without a soul. Tsuyuki stared into her own reflection and smiled. The girl's face had not changed save for the small twitch of the lips.

Tsuyuki's fists clenched tightly, her nails digging into her palm. Was this what her brother saw everyday? It was truly pathetic. She wasn't like her past self anymore.

She had changed.

She was better. Capable of protecting her brother with the skills she fought to earn. She knew how to fight back and how to fight back hard. Tsuyuki wasn't the pathetic, lifeless shell of a human she was from Before. No. She was the Murder Princess. Protector of Namimori and, above all else, her family.

A soft buzz emanated from her bed.

Tsuyuki's eyes shot to the sound as she quickly dawned on her clothes and approached her bed. Pulling out a phone from between the mattresses, she viewed the text.

Alpha3: Intruder coming from the south gate. Stab wound on the left side, limp on the right.

Tsuyuki frowned as she swiftly typed out a message.

Alpha1: The Defense Line?

Alpha3: Repairing. Do you need your team together? Delta1 is the closest to your location.

Alpha1: No. I'll handle it. Report to Hibari.

Tsuyuki grimaced at the thought of her 'squad'. The thought of working with others was unappealing to her. While the members were strong in their own right, their fighting styles sometimes clashed with hers and it was more trouble than it was worth.

Shaking her head, Tsuyuki swiftly pulled on her form fitting black Disciplinary Committee uniform and knee high combat boots. Tucking her sai into eat boot, she quickly pulled all her weapons in place before descending the stairs.

The leader of Squad 3 had been giving her tabs on the intruder as she got ready. The injured male was currently running towards the market, which was dangerously close to her home. Exiting her house, Tsuyuki sprinted through the streets, easily blending into the shadows despite her bright blonde hair.

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