In the Eyes of a Killer

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Chapter 8

When Reborn finished his babysitting job only to be pulled into another one, he was only slightly annoyed. When he was told that he would be training Vongola's prospective Decimo, he was pleasantly surprised. After all, it wasn't common for the Vongola to hire anyone without complete loyalty to them for such an important job. Vongola Nono was taking a big risk in hiring him.

Information on the Sawada twins were few and limited. There was no useful information he could glean from the files. It seemed that when the Murder Princess emerged within Namimori, the Vongola were no longer able to send in scouts to watch over the Young Lion's little family. Not after the last one, whose body was found in the middle of one of her bloody massacres of a budding Yakuza clan.

What was peculiar was that the body was located in a separate location than the others. While bodies of the Yakuza members littered the building, the Vongola scout was laid in the middle of a garden, positioned in a way that would make it seem like he was simply sleeping beneath a tree.

"He protected them well." The Murder Princess called from the man's phone. "Bring him home."

It was this differentiation that allowed the Vongola to realize that the Murder Princess was not a threat as previously assumed. While not an ally, she was not an enemy. It was speculated that the Murder Princess' purpose was to protect the citizens of Namimori alongside the resident Demon.

Reborn thought it was stupid of Iemitsu to stop sending scouts to monitor his family. Just because there was a new defense line in Namimori didn't mean the Sawada family was exclusively protected.

Now the hitman had to go in blind.

When Reborn arrived at the Sawada household, he hesitated. The building itself was nondescript, differentiating itself from neighboring homes through the garden in the front yard. The place would've been completely normal had Reborn not noticed one glaring difference. The house was almost completely saturated in the aura of Skies. How was it that the Sawadas never attracted unwanted company during the time they weren't being watched over? Something wasn't adding up and it made him wary.

When Reborn entered the house, he was greeted by a boy with a wild mane of brown hair and wide, caramel eyes. Sawada Tsunayoshi did not question his infantile appearance upon his arrival and simply invited him to the table. Sawada Nana, whom he took to calling Mama, offered him breakfast with coffee without blinking an eye.

Both mother and son happily ate their food, asking Reborn questions on what he planned to tutor Tsuna with. Something like that would've been completely normal had Reborn not noticed their knowing eyes. It was as if they knew and were only asking out of courtesy.

Five minutes in and he was already unnerved by Iemitsu's supposedly innocent civilian family. Nana had a smile that drew everyone in, but her aura felt odd, out of place yet belonging at the same time. It was as if she held the aura of Skies, but just barely, teetering on the edge of a cliff that descended into a void Reborn couldn't place. Everything about Nana's appearance screamed oblivious mother, but Reborn knew to trust his instincts. Iemitsu's wife was not as harmless as he firmly believed.

Then there was Sawada Tsunayoshi, the youngest of the twins and future Vongola Don. Reborn didn't know what to make of the boy. Just like his mother, he had this harmless air about him, yet his flames said something different. It was a bright, orange flame that pulsed steadily to the beat of Tsuna's heart like an unspoken promise. The boy had great potential and it was Reborn's job to cultivate that small flame into a powerful inferno fit to take on the mantel of Vongola.

When Reborn shot his student with the Dying Will Bullet, he was once again pleasantly surprised. While the disintegration of his clothes was expected, Tsuna's response was completely not.

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