Tea Time with Kira

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Hello my lovely readers~

I've recently been tagged by the most lovely @Otakuawesomeness in what is called the 'Five Facts Tag'.

(Tbh, I have no idea what I'm doing and I'm struggling to figure out how to tag people but shhh, it's tea time)

Alight, so the rules state:
1. Five facts about yourself
2. Must do it in a week
3. Must tag 15 people
4. Can't post in the comments
5. Must list rules

I figured... If I'm going to state facts about myself, might as well make it so the readers (meaning you beautiful people) can get to know me better while sharing things about themselves too. That way, we're all just one big family tied together by random facts and the unexplainable need for fanfiction. ;)

And so... I welcome you to Tea Time with Me, Kira~

1. First things first, I have an obsession with food. My entire family does, actually. I constantly eat throughout the day (and this is including the 3 VERY important meals of the day) to help keep me awake and happy during the mind numbing lectures I'm forced to go through in the prison I call a classroom.

On the bright side, I have the Asian metabolism going on for me so I'm still a tiny, short little Asian. Unfortunately, my metabolism works a bit too well, because I'm actually a bit underweight for my age. Crazy, right? You'd think drinking liters of soda and family sized bags of chips daily would do something, but naaah. I'm still a puny shrimp.

What about you guys? Any of you struggling with the irrepressible demands of your stomach? God, the struggle is real.

2. I'm what one calls a contemporary hip pop dancer. It's my shit, y'know? I actually started off as an art student and I'd often visit the dance studio at my school to draw the dancers whenever they allow it. And they're graceful as hell, man, let me tell you that. So of course, me being me, I joined the class. I was completely hooked, even if my inactive body cried for the first week or so.

I'm sure many of you don't believe dancing is all that strenuous, but don't underestimate it. There are many misconceptions and condescension regarding the dance department, and all I wanna say is that dance is a sport in its own right.  Not gonna go ranting on you guys but just remember: Your judgement is invalid until you've actually placed yourselves in their shoes and experienced it first hand. Still love you if you don't agree tho. We're all entitled to our own opinions.

We good? Yeah, we're good. Refill those caffeinated tea cups cuz we're going on to #3!

3. I am part of the International Bachelorette Program. The curriculum is pretty demanding, so I'm sorry if my updates are mediocre at best. I rarely have the time to do much else other than school work and club activities (you know you're destined for failure if you're juggling five clubs on top of IB, but eh, I like to live life on the edge).

Any of you guys seen IB memes? Heh, I welcome you to search. Witness our suffering in the form of meme posts from around the world. Hahahaha....

4. Have you finished your tea yet? Cuz I have. Unfortunately, tea isn't strong enough so as you lovely people take a sip at your imaginary cups of tea, I'll be drinking something with much more caffeine. That leads us to Fact #4: I'm addicted to coffee. Hard not to be when you gotta stay up to work on project after project.

Anyways. Coffee. I love coffee, but not just any coffee. Yes, coffee from Starbucks and other forms of western coffee is nice and all, but it's not enough. I'm talking about 100% legit Vietnamese iced coffee. It's stronger and more potent in caffeine in my opinion and I just love the bittersweet flavor. 

Completely biased tho, since I'm Viet and I've grown up with that kind of coffee since I was young. I think it's ruined coffee for me since everything else I drink feels watered down or something... Oh well. Yay coffee!

5. I'm as blind as a mole in water. Weird comparison, I know, but completely accurate. I can't see for shit without my glasses, yet I prefer walking around without them on. I'm like Toph from Avatar: The Last Airbender. I use my other senses... Except I'm not cool enough to be about to use the earth as my guide. (Imagine tho...)

Of course, my friends are intimate with my levels of stupidity, so being the wonderful friends they are, at least one of them walks with me so I don't do something stupid like get run over by a biker on the sidewalk.

You thought I was going to say run over by a car, huh? Psh, that's too mainstream.

(That and I was run over by a bike. By my brother. That little shit. Curse you. Like I love you and all but- Curse you.)

ANYWAYS... That's all for today for Tea Time with Kira~

I hope you guys enjoyed this as much as I did.
Feel free to share things about yourselves, I'd love to get to know you better~

(Low key took an hour to learn how to tag someone. God, I'm pitiful...)

TAG YOU'RE IT: (hello fabulous followers)
















Pst... Did I do it right (attempt #6)?

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