Monster (final chapter)

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Cold, emotionless eyes locked one last time.

Y/n's scarlet eyes glowed in the night air, the stars' light dying as it struck their surface. It felt as if time had stopped.

Nobody dared to move. Keigo had frozen in place about twenty feet from them, Touya parked next to him as they waited.

What was happening? One of the civilians that hadn't cleared out when they were supposed to started to move and instantly regretted it, their skin turning pale as a wave of icy air swept through his bloodstained and torn clothes.

Y/n paid him no mind as she held a pistol against Endeavor's forehead, Edgeshot's restraints holding the villain in place. Reporters watched what was happening with bated breath, Endeavor's backup villains dead and scattered around the streets.

The lamp light made the number one pro hero look colder than ever, her skin porcelain pale as her brown hair blended into the shadows behind them. Nobody wanted to say a word- half of them were terrified and the other half in awe.

Endeavor bared his teeth at the girl in front of him, the girl that he'd broken so many times over. So many times he'd sent this girl to bed covered in bruises and lacerations from punching her delicate skin too hard and breaking the surface.

The fangs protruding from her dusty rose lips, the small crack on the tip of the one he'd knocked out not too soon before she became a hero. The horns that swept through her silky hair gleaming in the artificial light as clouds began to cover the sky, and those dead, cold eyes.

Every time he'd seen some sort of light in them, it made him sick to the stomach.

A girl born to the strongest villains, at the time, involved with the Yakuza didn't deserve to be happy. She didn't deserve to be loved, and sure as hell didn't deserve to be respected.

When he'd seen his son treating her like she was a part of the family, something in him snapped. He'd already hated Touya, so why not add y/n along with him? Enji Todoroki wished now, more so than ever, that he'd never met the girl.

He wished that she'd actually died when she'd stepped into the light and caught on fire for Touya. Enji wished that, with how badly he'd hurt her, that he'd managed to kill her years ago.

Because what stood in front of him was no longer something that he could consider human.

"Well?" Enji snapped out of his reverie as he heard her empty, echoing voice, forcing him back to reality. Back to the silver pistol that aimed between his eyes. "Haven't you anything to say? We've been hunting you for the past four and a half months, Enji."

Enji winced at the sound of his name on her voice. She had every right to hate him. He turned her into this... monster.

Enji let out a peal of laughter, startling everyone out of their silence as he threw his head back. He watched as y/n's thin eyebrows furrowed together and fell silent as he heard the click of the safety.

"Don't come any closer, Keigo," y/n didn't look over her shoulder as she took the pistol in both of her hands, pointing them at the monster that had ruined everything. "Touya-nee. Stay back."

"Miss. Tsukia-" a younger voice started and y/n instantly snapped her head to glower at the junior hero that had tried to interrupt.

Tokoyami's worried eyes locked onto hers before he bowed his head towards the ground, trying not to look at the body of the dead high school girl, Toga, next to him.

Scorch marks ruined the girl's previously smooth skin and he felt bile rise in his throat as he remembered what happened.

Toga. Himiko Toga, Tokoyami remembered, was one of the original league of villains members and had attacked them in high school.

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