Hero Billboard Chart

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The Hero Billboard Chart JP is today, so y/n and the rest of the pro heroes were getting ready for the event to start.

"I don't want to be here," y/n squeaked as she hid behind Keigo's fluffy wings, trying to avoid the stares that were on her. "Keigo- is there any way to get someone else to be number five?"

She felt him laugh as he turned to face her, embracing her gently. 

"It's going to be alright, falcon," he promised. "Look, all you have to do is say something and then be done with it. You don't even have to look at the crowds. You can just tune them out and pretend they aren't there, alright?"

"That's a lot harder to do than it sounds," y/n mumbled against his chest. "And it's easy enough for you to say- you're good with people."

"While I don't doubt that, it's still a skill you might need in the future," Keigo admitted, patting her head gently. 

"That's true," y/n sighed as she tried to force herself to relax in Keigo's grip. "How much time do we have until we start?"

"It's starting in a moment, actually," Keigo realized, glancing at the cameramen. "Come on; you're in between Edgeshot and Mirko."

"Alright- good luck," y/n breathed, offering Keigo a gentle smile.

Keigo blushed in return. To cover it up, he ruffled y/n's hair, pressing a kiss against the top of her head. 

"Thanks," he grinned, before walking off.

He stood next to Endeavor, casually crossing his arms and staring at the camera. Y/n couldn't help but admire how serene he looked at the moment, which was a bad idea as Mirko tapped her on the arm.

"You're staring," Mirko whispered, a playful grin on her face. "He's bound to catch on sooner rather than later at this rate."

"No, I wasn't," y/n denied, her blush hidden behind her mask. "Besides, we're starting, aren't we?"

"Changing the subject isn't going to help you very much," Mirko snickered. "But it's not like anyone's going to tell him- I'm pretty sure the whole country knows about your little crush on him by now."

Y/n's ears reddened as she hid them behind her hair, and the announcers started speaking.

Edgeshot gave her a reassuring nod before the cameras went live.

She took a deep breath, trying to mimic what Keigo was doing. Her posture relaxed, and her eyes stayed focused on the cameras. 

When the announcer got to her, she cringed at the amount of flash-photography pictures the people in the crowd took.

"This year's number five, who was ranked number two in popularity and number seven in solved cases, is our youngest hero, Crescent!" 

He offered the microphone to her as y/n stared at it in distaste; she did not want to say anything. She could feel Endeavor's glare on her.

"You're still Endeavor's sidekick, aren't you?" he pressed, trying to get her to say something.

"I am," she admitted. "Until I turn 18."

"Oh- you're younger than we thought," the announcer laughed. "It's going to be a pleasure seeing how your hero career pans out."

Y/n nodded politely, and finally, the announcer moved on to Edgeshot.

After they all finished, y/n walked over to Keigo and wrapped her arm around his shoulders, surprising him a bit as he didn't hear her approach.

"Endeavor's going to kill both of us," y/n commented lightly. "Why did you have to say that, Keigo?"

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