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Mirko lead y/n inside, closing the door behind them. Both of them could smell Keigo, but it seemed as if he was pacing around his room, so as long as they just grabbed her stuff and left, there shouldn't be too much of a problem.

Y/n still couldn't quite grasp the fact that Keigo didn't seem to care for her anymore, but she brushed it off as she lead Mirko to her room.

"Um, I moved in decently recently," y/n brushed some of her hair behind her pointed ear, a bit awkwardly. "So this shouldn't take too long."

"That's fine by me," Mirko smirked, glancing around the dim room. "So, what are you going to bring with you? I can keep whatever would get in your way at my house until you get back."

"You'd do that for me?" y/n sounded surprised as she glanced at Mirko. "Thank you. I'm just going to bring my civilian clothing and one or two hero costumes, as well as whatever training equipment I have, my license, and sunglasses. I probably shouldn't wear Keigo's visors at all. And I'll also probably need quirk dampeners."

"Sounds like a plan," Mirko agreed, helping y/n walk around to start packing everything. "And everything else will stay with me."

"Thank you so much," y/n bowed quickly before returning to the task at hand.

"So, who are you meeting with to start the mission?" Mirko asked, conversationally, folding a box and taping it so she could put things inside of it.

"I'm going to meet with Iron Man, of the Avengers Initiative, with his team of heroes and Nick Fury, the guy who put in the mission request in the first place."

"And after that?"

"Probably coming back to Japan and starting my mission," y/n sounded nervous, but her eyes shone with determination, the bright red color striking against her shadowed face. "I'll try to finish it as soon as I can, but you can't tell anyone I went on one."

"Right, because you're undercover," Mirko realized, paling a bit. "So I have to act as if you went missing, and presume that you're dead until you return."

"It might not turn out to be a presumption," y/n joked lightly. "But that's pretty much correct. Because if it's been made public that I'm going on a mission, the Yakuza and  the rest of the branches are going to suspect me right off the bat."

"I've always hated undercover missions," Mirko groaned, tugging at her ear slightly in irritation. "I'll do my best to just stay out of the limelight for a while until the reporters and everyone stops asking questions. What about your class then?"

"They have no idea what's going on," she admitted. "They're probably going to have to look for a replacement as soon as possible, but don't try to apply until they ask you, if you're interested in being a teacher. It'll bring about more suspicion."

"Right," Mirko nodded affirmatively. "I'll also make sure that Keigo doesn't say anything-"

"You don't need to make sure of anything," Keigo's voice came from the door, causing both girls inside to glance over at him. "Look, y/n-"

"I don't want to hear it," y/n cut him off, coldly. "We'll be done in a few minutes, and I'll leave the key on the dresser."

"You don't-" Keigo tried to speak again, but y/n glared at him, her crimson eyes cold and emotionless.

"I said that I don't want to hear it," she hissed slightly, her quirk activating and causing her voice to echo around the room, causing Mirko to flinch. "We're not dating anymore, and shouldn't have been in the first place. Go find another charity case."

Keigo visibly winced, his wings folding against his back. For one split second, his expression was hurt. He looked vulnerable, his golden eyes wide with surprise and pain.

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