we secretly stalk you

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Maskys [tim's] pov.
My lifes being kind of a mess after what had happen between me and alex and jay, i mean i killed my best friend brian and i cant believe that thing which i call the operator is still following me.
Ive been recording myself for the past 3 months after the whole insident with brian, alex and jay but nothing seems to be up.
I sometimes see him starring at me through my window which gives me head aches and causes my camera to glitch.
Knock knock knock knock
Violent knocking was coming from my door, who would come to my house at 12:30 in the nigth ?
I didnt want to open it but wjat other choice do i have ?
I quickly got a knife from a cabinet and slowly opended the door
"Hello ?" I said as i looked outside trying to find the person who was knocking on the door.
"Stupid kids...." I said as i closed the door
As soons as i did the door opend violently and there he was again Brian in his usual yellow hoodie and black sky mask
"Y-You again ? I KILLED YOU !!!" I yelled as he tackled me down making me drop my knife
He pinned me down on the floor putting his hand on my mouth to make sure i dint yelled or anything like that
"Sshhh, tim i need your help its happening again" said hoodie as he removed his hand from my mouth
I quicly stood up in shock of what he just said. I was confuse how is he even... Alive ?"
"What is ? Who are you still alive ?"
"Calm down, i just managed to survive"
"Whats happening then?!?!
Brian [hoodie] closed the door to make sure no one over heard or something
"The disease, the operator, everything, but its not happeining to us again" said hoodie
"What ? of course it is, ITS HAPPENING TO ME !!!" I said because the slenderman still followed me but he just stocked me, he never really did anything. Hes being stocking me the rest of my life
"Tim calm down, its not you its a some kid, look"
He handed me a folder with some papers in it. I opended it and started reading them
Name: toby erin rogers
Diseases:insomnia, Tourette,CIPA, hallucinations.
Age: 19
Gender: male
Notes: has being having trouble eating and sleeping since he got into a car accident.
"Wait wait how do you know its happeing to him ?" I asked
"Because... Ive seen the operator stock him" said hoodie
I couldnt trust anyone anymore but what choice did i have ? This couldnt happen again, but the only way to stop it is by.... Killing him.
"No no no i cant !!!!" I yelled as i started coughing i couldnt kill anymore not again
"Tim.... The only way to stop it is to kill him"
"No there must be another way, we cant kill him, hes inoccent"
"And if we dont ? Then it could spread even more"
"No there must be another way"
There was a minute of silence followed by coughs coming from me
"Fine lets see what we can do" said hoodie
"Well ?.... What are we gonna do ?"
"We should stock him, you know to see what he does and stuff"
I gave him a confuse look but i guess it was better than killing toby.
"Fine fine tommorow early in the morning do you know were he lives ?" I asked
"Yeah i know already, i'll come back tommorow then" said hoodie as he left.
The rest of the nigth i couldnt sleep. I was just thinking about toby and what would happen to him.

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