The Plan

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Tobys POV.
I woke up in my back yard it was morning now but wait a minute why was i here laying down on the floor ? Did i fall and pass out ?
I cant remember anything i dont even remember why i was outside in the first place
I stood up amd went inside my house my..... Father was in the kitchen for as well as my mother.
"Toby what were you doing outside ? I taugth you were sleeping" said my mother as she placed food on where my dad was sitting
"Um... I was but i just came outside to uh... Get some fresh air"
"Alrigth honey do you want to eat something ?"
"No, im not really hungry" i said as i walked upstairs to my room.
I knew i had to eat something but i just dint really feel like eating.
"What happen yesterday ?" I asked myself while i rubbed my head since it was hurting a little
Maskys POV.
I heard hoodie chuckling as we spyed on toby by his widow
"Whats so funny ?" I asked
"He's so stupid he dosent remember anything from yesterday"
"Well thats because you have him those pills"
Hoodie totally ignored what i said and we just kept looking at toby which was now grabbing some papers from underneath his bed
"Masky look one of slendermans drawings !!!"
I focus my eyes on the paper that toby was holding and then realized it was one of slendermans papers.
"Where did he get that ?! Maybe its just a replica and not the real thing" i said as took a closer look.
"Hmm we will need to find out"
"How ?"
"Well i dont know masky we need to think of a plan fast"
Hoodies plans were always so harsh, it always involved toby getting punched or knocked out plus he was so mean to him. I guess i couldnt blame hoodie he was always so impatient and toby was not always a good person to deal with.
Even though i tried to talk more to him i always got lost in those beautiful green eyes of his.
Wait wait did i just think that ?!?! I think im going crazy with all of this investigation.
"Okay heres the plan we will kidnap toby again and beat him up until he tells us where he got that paper got it ?" Said hoodie
I looked at him with confusion he couldnt be serious
"Hoodie we cant just beat up toby everytime"
"I know he wont tell us if we asked him nicely"
I started thinking of another plan because we couldnt possibly use hoodies, it was just...cruel plus i dint want to beat up toby he was just too innocent and adorable.
"Wait we just need to protect toby from slenderman until he leaves him alone" i said as i kept looking at toby which was walking around his room
"If were gonna protect him we need to ask him this questions, what if he's working with that slender guy ? Or what if slenderman is controlling toby like he was controlling alex ?" Said hoodie
I sighed and then turned my head around to face hoodie
"Lets get something to eat im hungry then we will think of a NEW plan" i said as we jumped out from the window landing on our feet.
"Lets go" i said as we both walked out of the yard.
Me and hoodie removed our masks and hid them in a tree in the woods. We were now Tim and Brian as long as we had those masks off.
Brian and i went for food at a diner and waited for a couple of hours there thinking of a new plan
"Hey when i saw slenderman stalking toby i also saw someone else with him" said hoodie as he turned around to see if no one was listening
"Really who was it ?" I asked
"Well i dont know he had a black hoodie and a mask on like yours but its was blue and i think i saw black stuff coming out of it like blood but black"
"Nah i think you were imagening things honestly brian i think you should start taking those pills again"
After 45 minutes more a waitress came to tell us that they were closing soon so we had to leave.
It was now dark outside perfect for kidnaping toby but first we went to get our masks.
"Shall we go now ?" Asked hoodie
"Yeah wait whats the plan ?"
"I dont know we will only ask him some questions and thats it"
"Okay i guess"
We went to tobys house and saw jumped tonwere the window was.
"Wait do you have the pills amd the rag ?" I asked
"Yeah yeah i got it all here now hurry up"
As i was about to open the window i saw someone watching us from above a tree that was not far from us, i couldnt really see who it was but it seem like a dark figure and i was certanly that it wasent slenderman because it wasent his heigth.
"Masky !!!" Snapped hoodie "open the goddamn door fast before someone sees us here"
I nooded and quietly open the door making sure it dint make any sound.
We took slow steps so we dint wake up toby.
Before we could reach toby i tripped on his some clothes he had one the floor making a loud noise.
"W-Who's there ?!" Said toby in a scare and paranoid tone.

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