sinking low

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Tobys POV.
It took a while for me to fall asleep since it was already 8:00am. But soon enough sleep started to take over me and thats when i fell asleep.
Maskys POV.
"We should just kill him" said brian.
I turned around to face him with an angry expression on my face.
"Were not gonna kill that kid !!! There has to be another way" i yelled
Brian sighed then walked to the kitchen grabbing a cup and pouring some water in it
"I know youre just traumatize of what happen to jay" said brian as he dranked from the cup.
"Im not traumatize i just dont want to kill more people and toby seems to trust me i dont think i can ever kill him"
"Well can i kill him ?"
"No brian"
"Fine fine lets just go check on him to see if hes not in trouble or something"
I nodded and we quickly headed out the door
We went back to the woods to find our stuff which meant our masks amd jackets then after we did that we just started walking to tobys place to spy on him like real creeps.
Tobys POV.
I woke up around 4:00 pm. And i had to admit i was still really tired but i couldnt fall asleep anymore so i decided to go visit my parents house since i havent been there for a while now.
I quickly got dressed in my normal attire which meant a black turtle neck with black jeans simple.
Also my hair was a mess it was all over the place.
As soon as i finished getting ready i jogged to my parents house and when i arrived i knocked on the door hoping for my mother to answer.
I was in luck because she was the one that answered the door.
"Toby ?" She said as she opened the door and hugged me
"Hey mom" i said back
"Honey you look tin you wanna eat something ?" She said as she ligthly pushed me inside
"Um.. sure" i said.
Just as i enterd the house i could of sworn i saw a sligth blurr of orange and black but i just shrugged it off.
I saw my dad sitting at the kitchen table always.
"Richard look whos here" my mother said
"Why ?" He asked with a harshful tone in his voice.
"Please he just came to visit" my mom said as she went upstairs.
"Gees dont worry im not exited to see you eigther" i said as i sat in the 2 stair.
"Shut up boy have some respect for me"
"How can i respect you if you dont even show me any respect ?!?!" I said as i stood up clinching my fists
"You want respect huh ?" My dad said as he stood up walking towards me
"Pft from you ? I dont think thats gonna happen" i said as i looked up at him.
"I SAID SHUT UP !!!" My father said
And before i knew it he raised his hand and slap me rigth across my face with such a great force that it made me fall onto the floor.
I started crying and sobbing on the floor that but not from the pain just for how angry i was.
I stayed on the ground for a few minutes until my father walked to the table again.
Maskys POV.
Me and brian saw tobys dad slap him making him fall to the ground.
"Ouch poor guy" said brian
Aaawww he migth finally start likeing toby.
"We should do something !!!" I said well practically yelled
"Yeah great idea masky, breaking in into there house, then there gonna be all like oh who the he are you ? And then we would have to kill them !!" Said brian
Gosh sometimes his sarcasm hurts but i just sighed
"Youre rigth" i said as i crossed my arms
We migth have been really distracted because before we knew it tobys was already outside staring at us.
"Uhh... l-leave me a-alone" he sttuter out as he slowly twitched and walked backwards with widen eyes.
"Masky knock him out" whispered hoodie to me.
"I-I cant" i said
I couldnt hit toby never not in a million years.
"Fine ill do it" said brian as he started to walk towards where toby was.
"S-Stay away from m-me !!!" Yelled toby as he started to run as fast as he could.
Me and hoodie started to run after him for like 5 minutes
I could tell toby was gettimg tired because he was slowing and me and hoodie were catching onto him.
Toby turned to some building and the to an alley way that had a dead end
"Please..." Said toby with tears in his eyes.

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