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Tobys POV.
"Really ?" Asked the guy "well im alex and you shouldnt be here"
I couldnt really see his face because it was dark so i just nodded
"Im t-t-toby" i said as i twitched
"Lets get out of here before we run into someone or something" said alex as he walked in front of me
"Why are you here ? Arent you too young to be in the woods alone ?" Asked alex
"Im not a kid !!!" I blurted out
"Yeah rigth what are you like 15 ? 16 ?"
"Actually im 19"
Alex stopped and then looked towards another path
"Well you dont look like your 19"
I dint say anything after that until we came out of the woods and into the roosevelt park
"Dont come here again or else" said alex in a threatening voice
I nodded and then started to walk away kinda scared but not alot since he did help me to get out of the woods and dint kill me so thats a good thing.
I arrived at Tims house and as i got in i tried to stay as quiet as possible.
"Where did you go ?" Asked tim from the kitchen
"I-I went to um.... The park to clear my mind" i said while scratching the back of my neck
"Oh well thats good i guess"
After that i went to the room in which tim showed me before to stay
I put my sleeping clothes on that i had brougth earlier and then untuck the sheets of the bed and just layed down there staring at the ceiling thinking about alex
I dint know alex that well but who is he ? And why did he tell me to never come back to the woods ? Wait wait wait he cant tell me what to do
Tommorow im gonna go back and search those woods because i know he's hidding something.
I soon started drifting away into a deep deep sleep until i was finally asleep
Tobys dream
It was dark the only thing you could see was the moonligth shinning on me.
But soons enough i started to illuminate to other parts of the woods until you cpuld finally see this Man in a suit with an oval face that was lacking some facial features
No eyes
No nose
No mouth
No ears
No nothing
He was standing over me and i couldnt move but there was also children surrounding me.
I could hear there cryies and there screams, but i couldnt do anything just watch.
The man was about to grab me with some kimd of tentacles that were coming out of his back unitl.....
"AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" I yelled very loudly
Loud enough that tim came into the room with a worry expression on his face
"What happen ?!?!?" He asked
"Um... Nothing i just had a bad dream thats all no details"
"You sure ?"
"Yeah yeah im sure"
Tim nodded and then walked out
I pressed my hand against my chest and my heart was still beating from that nigthmare i tried to calm dowm for a few seconds and it actually worked.
I stood up and put my normal clothes on as i was ready to go home with my stupid father again.
I had to go home evetually so i would get this over with actually i was thinking of getting my own apartment but i dont know
I walked out of the bedroom and was ready to leave but first i had to tell tim
"Hey tim, i have to go home now so thanks for letting me stay here" i said
"Yeah any time toby" said tim as he put some pills into his mouth and wasehd them off with water.
Just as i opened the door i accidentally hit brian i his face.
"What the hell ?!?!" Yelled brian as he held his bloody nose tightly
I started laughing but immediatly regreted it because brian then grabbed me by my jacket and raise his fist in the air ready to hit me.

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