nigth watch

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Maskys pov.
Knock knock knock knock
I quickly got up and got dressed as fast as i could, today was gonna be the day we stock toby.
I opened the door so i could let hoodie.
"You got it ?" Asked hoodie
"Got what ?"
"The camera of course"
"Oh um yeah yeah i have it"
"Then lets go tim hurry"
We went outside looking around to make sure there wasent anyone around. We couldnt afford getting in trouble or anything like that.
"So were is it ?" I asked as i started recording
"This way, lets run will get there faster" said hoodie
We started running towards some neighborhood that seem kinda small but it was nice.
Hoodie and me jumped a fence, landing in the backyard of tobys house.
It was a white and blue two story house with windows that you could easily climb or break in.
"Thats tobys room over there" said hoodie as he pointed at a window that was in the second floor
"Okay then whats the plan ?" I asked
"Hmm well we will watch toby until we find out what 'slenderman' wants with him, perhaps toby is a serial killer we never know" said hoodie as we hid in some bushes behind the house
"Hes not a killer, i saw his photo in the documents and he looks totally normal"
"Im just saying we never know, here"
Hoodie handed me my mask which i remember trowing away along time, i had no choice but to put it on.
"Lets wait here and see if he comes in through the back yard" said hoodie
We waited for hours
And hours
And hours
And hours
"Yeah, i need to get something from the shed real quick" said toby as he walked through the back yard
It was kinda dark but i could still see him, he was so small for a 19 year old. He's brown messy hair was everywhere and he looked really depressed and thin.
"Attack him when he comes out okay ?" Said hoodie
"Wait what why ?"
"Just do it its part of the plan"
I dint have another choice but to do as he told me. We both waited in position until toby came out.
"Attack him !!" Said hoodie quietly screaming
Both of us charged at toby making him fall to the ground, i pinned him down onto the floor and Hoodie got out a cloth with alchohol in it and put it into tobys nose and mouth as he tried to struggle out of my grip.
The struggling finally stopped as Toby was now unconsious on the floor.
"What do we do now ?" I asked
"Lets take him to the woods and we will ask him a couple of questions about the operator " said hoodie as he grabbed toby and carried him.
"Fine but wait i want to carry him" i said
Hoodie handed me toby, i could really tell he dint eat alot, he was really ligth.
We walked into the woods making sure nobody was following us.
We stumble across a small bulding the same building in which i had 'killed' alex.
"Place him there in that chair" said hoodie, motioning me towards an old rusty chair.
I placed the unconsious boy there and hoodie tied his hands and feet up.
"Lets go outside so we can give him time to wake up" i said
Both of us walked outside towards the cold darkness but not too far from toby or else we wouldnt hear him wake up
Tobys POV.
I woke up and saw darkness all around me a little bit of moonligth was shinning though.
My eyes adjusted for a second and i was at a.... Abandoned Burned down building.
Whats happening ? Where am i ? How much time has it passed ? Why cant i remember anything ?
Those questions ran across my mind.
I had to admit i was scared really really scared, terrified.
"H-Hello ?" I yelled as my voice echoed through the empty walls of the abandoned place
I heard footsteps coming towards me which made me even more scared and paranoid than i already was
"Youre finally awake" said a man in a orange hoodie with a black sky mask on his face.
"Who are you ? w-where am i ?" I said as i twitched and stuggled to get out of whatever was holding my hands
"Were here to ask you some questions" said the other man in a white mask.
"I wont answer them" i said as i looked down.
The hooded man grabbed me by my hair and made me look at him
"You will or else we will leave you here to die"
"Ugh... l-let me go you bastard !!!" I yelled
Thats when the voices i my head started calling my name
Toby, toby, toby, toby.
Theu chanted, i tried to ignore them as much as i could by focusing on the real problem here.
I was being held captive in a burned down place by some creeps with masks on.
"Here have you seen this figure before ?!" Said the hooded man
I took a good look at the drawing and then gasped, of course i have seen that figure before !!! I saw it a few times when looked out my window.
But i couldnt tell them that or else they would do something to me
"I... Um... I havent seen that figure ever before in my life" i said with a straigth face so they couldnt tell i was lying
"Liar. Tell us the truth" said the guy in the hoodie.
Why does he care anyways ? And what about the guy in the mask ? Why dosent he talk ? But the most important question WHERE WAS I ?!?!
"Fine, yes ive seen him before so what ?" I said as i twitched a little
"Where ?!"
"I dont need to tell you anything"
"Tell me where !!!"
I could tell the hooded man was getting really tired and annoyed
That he walked closer to me and punched my face.
I dint feel nothing though.... Maybe he dint know that, but i could see some blood dripping down onto the floor
"Hoodie stop !!" Said the guy in the mask as 'hoodie' was about to trow another punch at me.
"Lets go then" said hoodie as he walked out not only to be stopped by the guy in the mask
"You forgot toby"
"Oh yeah yeah well..... Here lets give him this"
Hoodie grabbed some pills from his pocket and walked closer to me.
"Take this" he said as he held the pills in his hand
"No, what are those ?" I said as i twitched.
"I said take them !!!"
Maskys POV.
He shoved them into tobys mouth almost making him choke
Toby coughed a little and started to twitch.
"Finally !!! how you feeling toby" said hoodie
Toby was looking everywhere and his head started dangling around
"I-Im... Im.. feeling dizzy, why is the r-room spinning ?"
Toby finally gave up and went unconcious.
"Dont worry masky he wont remember anything tommorow" said hoodie as he untied toby and carried him.
We walked all the way to his house and placed him in his back yard, so it would seem like if he fell or something.
"Perfect" i said as we walked out.

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