the observer

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Maskys POV.
We got to the 3rd floor but they had some how disapeared.
"Shit where did they go ?!" I asked brian
"Probably with toby duh" said brian
We looked for room 230 until we finally found it
I picked the lock quietly then creaked the door open slowly and quietly.
I motion for hoodie to get in while toby was still asleep before closing the door.
Hoodie hid inside the closet and i hid under tobys bed.
We stood there until it was 2:25am.
Until Violent knocking could be heard behind the door.
Toby woke up scared and kind of jumpy while the knocking became louder
"Leave me alone !!!!" yelled toby as he stood up and turned the ligths on
The knocking became louder and louder each time.
Toby put his hand over the door knob about to open it but he hesitated before he did
I was about to jump out but hoodie shook his head and told me to wait.
Toby finally opened the door and went outside to see who was there but there apperead to be no one.
What toby dint see was that the man with glasses came inside his apartment.
Toby came in then locked the door closed.
The man with glasses was hidding behind his desk near the window perhaps he dint see me even though i was literally rigth next to him.
Toby yawned and just as he did the guy jumped out and put a cloth on tobys mouth making him fall limp on the floor.
I was just about to jump out but was stopped by brian again he made signs with his hand to stay down.
The man picked up toby and put him on his shoulders.
Me and hoodie were ready to follow him to see were he was going we just needed for him to get out.
Finally he opened and walked out.
Hoodie and i followed him making sure he dint see us.
The guy walked to the park and into the woods.
Toby started to groan and moved around but not waking up.
Finally we got to the same abandoned burned down hospital that we were in before.
"I got him" said the guy as he placed toby down.
He tied tobys hands up and then put like what seem a mouth guard over tobys mouth
A few minutes of waiting toby finally woke up.
He started to move around on the floor as he tried to get the strings off his hands
The man kneel down and then brushed his hand over tobys cheek for him to calm down.
I could see tobys eyes widen as he started to drag himself backwards with his feet
"Whats wrong toby ? Youre not use to the darkness ?" He said as he smirked
As much as i wanted to get up and punch this guy for what he was doing to my toby, wait what ? I mean toby but still i couldnt do it
He removed the mouth guard out of poors tobys mouth
"W-Who are you ?!?! Where a-am i ?!" Asked toby twitching uncontrollably
"Im the observer, i was the one that kidnap you yesterday" said the man.
"Youre insane !!" yelled toby as he tried to get up but failed by him hitting the ground.
"Dont even bother toby, your struggles are just adorable" said the observer.
"What do you want ?!" Asked toby desperately
I could hear his breathing get stronger just like if hes was trying to catch his breath or something.
"Toby rogers sister of lyra rogers rigth ?" Asked the operator
"Haha do you know who slenderman is ?"
Toby dint say anything instead he looked down at the floor not saying a word, overwhelmed with this whole situation.
"We wouldnt want you to join your sister now would we ? I mean after all youre such a pretty boy" Said the operator in a calmed tone
After he said that out of nowhere eyeless jack came out.
Still toby dint answer he just kind of hanged his head low.
The observer took out a knife and then he placed the tip of it on tobys left cheek leaving a sligth cut with a little blood.
"C'mon toby tell us or he will find you" said the observer again still in a calm tone not losing his patience with tobys stubborness.
It was suprising because if me and hoodie were asking this questions, then hoodie would already lost his patience and probably knock toby out.
I really dint get why the observer dint just force toby to tell him he just seem so calm and patient.
Toby still dint say anything perhaps he was scared because his breathing was increasing.
"Fine we will have to do this another day when you feel like talking" said the observer as he untied tobys hands.
Before toby stood up i saw through the darkness that the observer had grabbed both tobys wrists
Toby dint do anything he looked like if he was in a daze or something.
I really wanted to help him but hoodie dint let me go
Perhaps its one of his plans or something.
"Hold on i need to make sure we find you next time" said the observer.
Toby broke out of his daze and then started panicking and moving around.
"What are you gonna do to me ?!?!" Said toby trying to get out of the other guys grip.
"Hoodie now ?" I asked quietly preparing myself to jump out.
"Wait lets just see this" said hoodie.
I could see that the observers grip on tobys wrist was strong but he called for eyeless jack.
Eyeless jack held toby down from his shoulders as the observer grabbed tobys rigth wrist
He placed the tip of the knife on tobys wrist about to cut him.
"W-What are you d-doing ?!" Asked toby freaking out.
"Now !!!!" Yelled hoodie as he charged at eyeless jack tackling him down on thr floor.
Hoodie kinda got me off guard so it took me a little longer to get the observer
No ones POV.
Hoodie was wrestling with eyeless jack on the ground while masky and the observer were holding each others shoulders trying to push each other to the ground.

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