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Tobys POV.
I woke up in my apartment and i couldnt remember anything from last nigth
Everything was all over the place but what or who could of possibly do this ?
After hours of cleaning up i took a shower and put new clothes on, finally i felt a little refreshed but still weak from lack of sleep.
I went back to my bedroom and i saw an enveloped laying on the floor with a circle and an X over it.
While i was opening the enveloped i took out a small note it said
Go to the woods im watching you. Dont remember what happen last nigth ? Heres something to make you remember
I took out a small caset and placed it in the vcr in my room.
I started to watch the tape and it was me.
I was tied up to a chair unconcious with my head hanging low.
Also i had this kind of mouth guard thing on my mouth. Weird.
For the rest of the tape it was in black and white and it showed this disturbing images of me being stocked and at the end of the tape it said
Your carrying the disease !!!!
I immeditaly got scared and paranoid and ran out of the apartments
I honestly dint know what to do or who to go to but i just kept walking
I then remember i could go with tim he would help me.
I started jogging to tims place and when i got there i knocked on the door violently until Brian opened up
"Oh its you again little fucker" he said in annoyance
"I-I need to talk to tim" i said while looking over him and twitching uncontrollably.
"His at work now get lost" said brian pushing me away for me to go
"Fine !!!" I yelled turning around and walking away.
Just as i turned around the papaer that was once in my apartment flew out of my pocket which brian grabbed
"Whats this ?" He asked as he unfolded it
"HEY !!! ITS MINE GIVE IT TO ME !!!" I yelled as i tried to reach the paper.
Brian held his hand on my shoulder to make sure i dint move and he continued reading the paper.
"What the hell rogers" he said
"Just.... Shut up and leave me alone" i said as i ran off.
The only thing left to do was eigther walk home or walk to the woods which was probably not a good idea so i just went to my apartment.
Maskys POV.
"Hey who was that ?" I asked
"Toby and this time his in huge trouble"
"Why ? What happen to him ?!?!"
Brian gave me a piece of paper with the operator sign on the corner and it said
'Come to the woods if you do i'll reveal myself if you refuse to come then we will have to teach you a lesson also bring your journal with you i know you keep it with you everywhere you go. We will be waiting. Your carrying the disease'
I kept looking at the paper suprise at what i was reading until i finally put it in the pockets of my jacket
"I say we should still kill him" said brian
"No !!! We cant kill more people, we need to save them" i said as i got out the front door
Brian followed me as well
We were now walking to tobys house hopefully to find him.
As soon as we arrived i knocked on the door and tobys mom came out
"Yes may i help you ?" She asked
"Uh yeah is toby home ?" I said
"No he moved to some apartments"
"Really ? Its cuz i really need to talk to him"
"Well you could find him in the roosevelt apartments near the park"
I nodded and then walked away.
Those apartment werent that far they were really close by
Proabably a 10 minute walk ?
"Here" said brian as he handed me my mask
Brian put his mask and gloves on then i putted mine too
"What our plan ?" I asked
Brian started to look around then finally he said
"We should just break in his apartment if his still there and just spy on him to see what happens"
I nodded then pointed at the building toby was in
"Its that one rigth ?" I asked just to make sure
"Yeah" Said brian
We went inside and there was no one, since it was getting really dark outside
The only person that was there was a man behind the desk
He looked suprise at us with fear in his eyes.
"Hoodie knock him out" i said as pulled some tape out
Hoodie with one punch to the mans face knocked him out.
I place the tape on the mans mouth then dragged him out to a near door that was in his office
"Check tobys room" i said
Hoodie started to look over a clip board then he said
"Room 230, third floor"
Just as he said that was saw eyeless jack and another man with him racing out the stairs
The other guy was new because we never seen him before
He had black rectangle glasses, long black hair and the operator sing on his hands.
"Hey stop !!!!" I said whike racing up the stairs with brian behind me

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