Chapter 137: Spirit of the Ice

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Erdene's words caused Luke's eyes to narrow. He then looked at Snow and felt her hand tighten around his. He then returned his gaze to Erdene, where he saw Erdene's cold eyes examining Snow from head to toe. Snow appears to be getting uncomfortable with his stares so Luke decided to speak up.

"Nash, Snow, go to our room and wait for me there, or go play with the kids. Jay, follow them and select your room."

Nash and Snow then looked at Luke's calm face before looking at each other. Nash then simply nods to Snow, assuring her that everything will be fine, and leads her inside the palace, followed by Jay, leaving Luke, Liam, and Erdene alone outside. Luke just stared at Erdene's eyes, allowing the cold night winds to caress his face. Then Luke spoke up.

"Gramps, what do you mean when you say Snow is an artificial spirit?"

Erdene's face became serious, and he spoke with his hand on his chin, as if deducing.

"Isn't it obvious by now? She has the ability to create ice out of thin air and possesses a massive amount of mana more than enough to fight head to head with Nash. According to natural law, only spirits have the ability to create pure and natural elements out of thin air, making us a critical source of elements when all-natural resources drain from humans who use them for their own needs."

Luke remained silent as he listened to Erdene. Erdene noticed this and continued to speak sternly.

"I could also feel compacted ice powers inside her body. It's as if it's forced to be stuffed inside her. I'm even surprised she didn't freeze to death with that kind of compacted elemental power inside her."

Luke became deafeningly silent and his face turned grim. He clenched his fists tightly.

"So that explains why her body freezes whenever she uses her abilities."

"That is correct, and she is fortunate to be able to live this long. She also appeared to be accustomed to the side effects of her powers; it appears that she has been using her powers for some time. But, even if she is accustomed to the side effects, her body is not, and it is forced to stay together in order to avoid her freezing whenever she uses her powers."

Erdene then fixed his gaze on Luke's solemn expression. He appears to be so enraged that he might rip someone's face off. It also appears to be the case with Liam, who appears to be angry as veins appear in his head and his murderous aura leaks. Erdene stared at this for a moment; he knows what they're thinking, so he decided to say it.

"It appears that the Dark Eye has been experimenting on humans for a long time in order to create an artificial spirit. Imagine what else they could do with their experiments if they could create an artificial spirit. They are truly a force to be reckoned with."

Erdene could feel Luke and Liam's animosity leaking more furiously beside him as soon as Erdene said that. Erdene simply sighed and gazed up at the night sky.

Even though he doesn't show it, Erdene is as upset as Luke and Liam.

Now that he knows there is an organization behind his back that has the audacity to create artificial beings that violate the laws of nature, he is even more eager to charge at the Dark Eye's base and rip their liege into pieces. He despises it when someone attempts to disrupt the order that he and his siblings have worked tirelessly to maintain for billions of years.

He despised the Spirit of the Ice as well. He doesn't despise Snow; he despises the being she was forced to become. Her natural ice power alone is enough to nearly flip the entire balance that they have been trying to maintain for billions of years.

Erdene then turned to face Luke, who was still fuming furiously. He was relieved that Luke had managed to persuade Snow to join them. If he didn't, who knows what would happen to the balance right now if they let Snow use her powers unsupervised while being in the hands of dangerous lunatics like Dark Eye, total chaos would surely ensue.

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