Chapter 1; The beginning

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Xavier smiled as he glanced into the camera. The interview started, and he eased his body language to appear more confident. Despite not wanting to, he had become quite a topic of discussion for paparazzi and the people who adored his perfectly sculpted face.

He was titled as one of the 'hottest' elligle bachelors. So, from time to time, he had to make a guest appearance like this even though he hated the mere idea of it.

His sea green eyes turned towards the host as she spoke. "Mr Xavier, even though people love to see you out occasionally. They have noticed that not much is known about your personal life as you avoid coming out regularly. Why is that ?"
Xavier laughed a little and answered in a light tone "Well, I prefer to keep my life as private as possible for my own good so sorry for those curious minds but that is just how its going to be"

The host also laughed gently. "That is why people are more intrigued than ever by you. You have a successful company, billions to your name,  and barely get into any scandals like others do. "
Xavier nodded, smiling.  "Thank you for the compliment,"

The host did not, unfortunately, stop there as she dig in a bit more. Xavier's jaw tightened a tad.  "But still, forgive me for prying. Just for the sake of the viewers. I have to ask you. Is there a certain someone out there who you might be involved with romantically?"

Xavier spoke. His tone was a bit tight. "Just as I said earlier, Jess. I prefer to keep my matters private. "
Jess, the host, got the hint and retreated, shifting the topic towards his business and his projects. Alan handed Xavier the coffee as soon as he got down from the podium, and they made their exit without a second glance. Xavier also missed the disguised glance reporter threw his way. "He thinks he's all that just because he has a name and money, but someday he is going to be really sorry for that attitude of his." Jess must have whispered it under her breath, but Alan heard it as he passed her station. He smiled knowingly. She wasn't the first to think of his boss in such a way, and she wouldn't be the last. There was no point in staying. Coming out of the studio, Xavier opened the coat buttons as he sat back and the driver started the engine. Feeling thankful that he could go to the office and do something productive. He wanted to say no to chances akin to these, but he could never since it meant good publicity for the company and fame for him. Just what his father wanted.
His mind echoed the lady's words, and he smiled a bit knowingly. Yes, there was someone who he would want to be involved with romantically. However, he didn't want to reveal her to the world just yet.
As if the mind needed an excuse, it took this chance to play him a flashback.
A fond memory of when he saw her for the first time.

*flashback starts*
Xavier came by his best friend's house like he usually did. Ringing the doorbell, he waited for someone to open the door. For a minute or two, he heard nothing. He was about to turn around when he heard footsteps, and a moment later, the door opened to reveal a face. A beautiful face that he had never seen before. Not knowing who she was but taking a slight guess, he came to the conclusion that she might be Ahmet's sister. He didn't want to be rude, but he couldn't help but stare at her for more than a second. As much as Xavier had been a part of this house, Sarah wasn't around when he was present. Ahmet was protective of his sister that way, and he had hid her away well because she was a beaut. Her nervous grey eyes and the mole on her chin took his breath away. Coming out of his trance, he cleared his throat to speak when he noticed that she was becoming uncomfortable under his gaze. That was definitely not his intention. Caught up in suprise, He asked. "Hi...I'm Xavier. Ahmet's friend. Is he here?"
Sarah spoke, shaking her head in negative. "He's actually out running some errands. He informed me that you might drop by, so he wanted me to give you something."
Disappearing behind the door, she appeared a bit later to stretch her hand. On her open palm lay a little envelope. Taking it and making sure that he doesn't touch her. Xavier knew the rules of her religion. He did that to show his respect. He looked back a bit, confused. To which Sarah replied with a smile. "He said he had some kind of give and take with you regarding money or whatever."
Xavier's mouth formed an 'o' shape as he realised that in the envelope lay the money Ahmet had borrowed from him. They often did that, but most of the times it was Ahmet who borrowed money from him. He never minded, though, since he always paid it back. Xavier scratched the back of his neck nervously, smiling. "Well, he does keep his records straight when it comes to these things.."
Sarah smiled again and said, "That's a good thing." Xavier couldn't help but think how her smile was even more charming than her voice. She still hadn't revealed anything other than her head, which was covered by black scarf and face that was sticking out from the crack of the door. She spoke, a bit warmly this time. "I'm Sarah, by the way. Nice to meet you.." Xavier nodded appropriately. "And I, well, you might already know since I'm almost all the time at your house.." Sarah laughed a bit at that, and Xavier's smile widened. This girl was someone he never knew he would meet. Someone he could he genuine with. Not wanting to stay longer than he should, Xavier took his leave and, after a final goodbye, turned around. Needless to say, that was not the last time they met or the last time he grinned from ear to ear, the same as a fool by just seeing her from afar
*flashback ends*

Xavier had seen her first time when he was just seventeen. A high school student and a major bad boy, but with her, he couldn't act that way. He knew that. There was something unspoken between them. He had always felt. Even though they had never conversed for more than a minute or two. Things were never awkward between them. It was as if they both knew that no matter what happens, they will never harm one or the other intentionally. There was always something naturally comforting about being in each other's presence.
Releasing a sigh, sudden pause in the vehicles movement made him conscious. The driver stopped both his car and his thoughts. He had reached the tall and looming building holding the name of his company, Smith's Raise. Looking up, he thought that even though he was the boss here, the dominating exterior made him feel small. Just as his father wants things to be, he thought, smiling bitterly.
No sooner than he entered his office, he was met with the familiar face of his receptionist. Greeting her boss, Naila sat back down while Alan proceeded to tell him about his schedule for today . Xavier sipped his second cup of coffee as he listened and opened his laptop. Today was yet another busy day for him. Somehow, that thought calmed him down.

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